Dring Dring

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Once upon a time,
A woman in her twenties,to be called Seri.
Her job is traductor-interpreter in Japanese, English and French

She from France but thanks to her job which she loved so much she could realize her dream to live un Japan!!

She decides to send her CV to companies that take care of her second passion « Dance »

3 weeks later...

I'd remember that all my Life.
That morning, the ringing of my phone woke me up suddenly.
Who could call me that early? Is 8 am
I unplug my phone while asleep

Mochi, Mochi ! Did the person I was talking
This is my chance don't make mistake don't make mistake...

We talked for at least 1 hour he explained to me that he was intersted for my CV he even proposed me an appointment in his company next Monday!
When I was scarping I did some research on their music agence but he didn't have much except for what was more.

I think I ask to him more information...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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