A Smile of Faith

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Before I start this fanfiction, I just wanna tell you some things: So, first of all, this is happening right after you get the Holy Lyre der Himmel, and the first scene is when they're discussing for a place at the winery. Second, S/N means Sibling Name, H/H means him/her and B/S means Brother/Sister, since I don't know what gender the reader is, or what character he's chosen in the game. Third, and also the last thing, I hope you will enjoy this fanfiction as much as I did when writing it, and you will support me to write more. Thank you!


"Now when we've got the lyre, all we need to do is find somewhere high and windy, where I can play the song." said Venti. "I'm sure that it'll help Dvallin overcome whatever spell has possessed him."
"You sure are very brave for a common bard." quietly mumbled Diluc, but you did hear him say it and mockingly smiled. Lucky for you that he didn't notice that. As you all stood there in a circle thinking, suddenly a completely random idea popped up in your head.
"Starsnatch Cliff!" you exclaimed and everyone turned their head at you.
"Huh?" asked Jean in confusion.
"Eheh... I meant- Starsnatch Cliff is a high and windy spot, where the wind could carry the words. I was hoping it might be fit for what we're looking for." you tried to explain while everyone had their attention on you.
Venti suddenly sparked up. "Yes, that sounds like the best spot here in Monstadt we could find. (Much better than Windrise which I thought of but they mustn't know it.) Thanks Y/N!"
"Jean? Do you agree for the operation to be executed on the suggested spot?" Of course Master Diluc couldn't proceed without the Acting Grand Master's permission.
"Yes I agree. I have sworn to protect Monstadt in whatever the circumstances are, and even if it means to sacrifice my life for it, I will. Let's put an end to this threat and save Dvallin from the curse that keeps him possessed!"
You were glad to see your friends full of enthusiasm, and softly smiled while looking at the clear mid-day sky. "I know you are there somewhere, S/N." you thought, and almost unconsciously touched the sharp edge of your sword. "I will fight to get to you."

An hour later, you were all together at Starsnatch Cliff. The birds were flying around in circles above your head, and you could see many flowers growing around you, especially Cecilias. The sun was shining up above your heads and the wind was softly blowing, as if you weren't supposed to face the biggest threat in Monstadt in only a couple of minutes. You suddenly realized that Paimon was pretty quiet this whole time since you got the Holy Lyre der Himmel. You glanced around you, but she was nowhere to be seen. "Has anyone seen Paimon?" you asked the others, but apparently they haven't noticed her gone before you told them. "Paimon!" you shouted, as the echo slowly spread around, carried by the wind. And yet again, no answer.
"Don't worry about her, I'm sure she just went somewhere safe, scared from what would happen." Venti indicated. But you knew he just didn't want to tell what's really on his mind because he didn't want to worry the others, nor himself. 'This is nothing like her' you thought for yourself while checking one of the bushes, hoping that she just decided to play hide and seek. But all you found were just some partially eaten matsutakes and a squirrel that went running once you moved a leaf of the bush.
"Come on, at least she won't be put to risk to get hurt." Diluc said while pulling you towards the main event. "Come on Y/N, let's put an end to this threat once and for all. We will find that little floating child once we're done."
"She's not a floating child!" you exclaimed, but somewhere deep down that reference actually entertained you.
"A floating rat?"
"I-" you were speechless, while Venti started giggling so contagiously, that you all bursted into laugh.
"May the God of Anemo protect you." You told Venti, and a moment later you realized that he's the actual GOD, standing right in front of you. You felt like you've bursted into flames, and you were almost completely sure that your cheeks are blooming-red. Lucky for you, they all disregarded that immature mistake and focused on the main reason for being on top of Starsnatch Cliff.

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