Part 1

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I want to be the change I want to see in the world.

I want to be a voice,  a voice I wish I heard when I was going through hell.

I need to show those that are suffering that it isn't their fault and that they can do and be anything they dream.



"My Alopecia Story" the first post on my new tumblr blog.

"Hi , its The Feathers Don't Define The Bird (Birdy) , I am an 18 year old girl and I suffer with an auto immune disease called Alopecia. It is all I have ever known, I have never had hair and it's something I'm still trying to deal with. I am not at all sure on the science but I do know that I have Alopecia Universalis which means I am unable to grow hair anywhere on my body. It has its ups and it has its downs but the older I get the more I realise I am no different to anyone else. I'm just bald. It's not cancer. I'm not at risk of dying. My hair is just nonexistent. I did have a problem with bullies , particularly in high school , I was treated like a freak. Little bits of hair did begin to grow behind my ears which I refused to shave ,it was a comfort for me ; the few strands of hair I did have. I was very shy in school ,I still am. I use to be pointed and starred at in school especially by the younger years as I got older. I wanted to share my story and to let many know that I  am here as a friend ,a voice for people going through school or life in general who are a little different and that it's okay to be different because if  we were all the same the world would be a boring place. Thanks for reading. Birdy."

I hesitate at the publish button , many things ran through my mind, what if nobody reads this, is this just another post added to the pile, what makes my post so special to the others. The answers I was looking for were simple, you can't please everyone Eden , you are offering help to those who want it ; if they want it great , If not that's cool too. Every post is unique ;like the person writing it. I smiled at the alter ego in my head, she always knew what to say.

My alopecia wasn't something I spoke about much, it was clear I had it and when people  ask about it I automatically shut down and walk away. I was inspired by a video blog on You Tube  to share my story but there was no way I could sit in front of a camera and talk about it , a written blog was the best choice. It was something that I had been meaning to do for months and I've only now just decided to do it.  Skimming over what I had written I yawned and rested my head on the keyboard for what felt like minutes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2015 ⏰

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