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TW: mentions of death, nightmares, crying, swearing

Jyllina had never been scared, per se, more...worried. The days were fine, brilliant even, but then the night came and everything fell apart. It was always the same, Remus died, it was her fault, her parents hated her, blah blah blah. Every bloody night she ended up in his bed, him making up stories of dragons and mermaids, where she was the princess and he was the knight.

That would all change soon. Remus was going off to Hogwarts, she would have nobody to confide in, no one to laugh with, no one to, ugh, fuck. A tiny part of Jyll wanted Remus to hate Hogwarts, to want to go home and stay home. But, it was a very small part. She had heard the stories her mother, Hope, and her father, Lyall, had told them about Hogwarts, the moving portraits, the wonderful food, the ghosts, and above all, the people they met there. Jyll hoped Remus would make good friends, people who understood about his condition, and that he was still human, not a monster.

"J, it's time for fooooooooood" Remus' strong accent called from downstairs. "Coming, Re!" Jyll hoped that Mam had cooked something good like cawl, since it was Remus' last night at home.


Remus could barely stay still that morning, he was so excited. But then he noticed the look on Jyll's face. "Jyll, paid a ffoeni," his voice cracked as tears flooded his eyes. "Remus, plîs," Remus couldn't tell if she was speaking English or welsh now but either way, his heart broke. There was no way he could leave her in the house, he had to take her to the station, wave to her through the window.

"Mam, Jyll's coming with us." Jyllina looked shocked, but not in a bad way. "Remus I can't" Her hands were trembling, she looked overwhelmed. "Jyll, you're my best friend, no one I could meet at Hogwarts is gonna make me not love you." As he reached in for a hug, however, Jyll started hitting him on the arm with her bag. "Stop. Being. So. Bloody. Sappy."

"Language!" Hope called from the living room, though she didn't sound angry. "First, ouch, second, I was trying to be nice!" Remus mock-pouted. "Yeah, well, don't." It was Jyll's turn to pout now.

"Oi, plantos, chi'n barod?" Lyall's voice boomed from the kitchen.

"Yeah, yeah, we're coming now." Remus rolled his eyes. "H'okay, ready to do this Train shit?" Jyll giggled.

"Remus!" Remus looked at her in what he hoped was deadpan, "you are going to miss me." He said with a smirk. "Aren't you going to be good at divination" Jyll rolled her eyes.

Hai! Thank you for reading so far, I actually thought of this in a TikTok💀
Remus: Jyll, don't worry.
Jyllina: Remus, please
Lyall: Oi, kids are you ready?
Side note: Cawl is a kind of welsh stew, or broth, usually with lamb and potatoes. It's very very nice😩☝️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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