Chapter One

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          It has been 10 years now, and I can't wait to see my family again. But my sister Dani wants to use plan 7 so we can have some fun with our family. You see plan 7 is where me and Dani trend places for a day to see if our family can tell us apart. For this plan to work, Dani called me every night to tell me about her day and I'll tell her about mine. At the moment I'm just getting off the last ship for the day and from there I made sure to stay away from my family with the help of my sister.

          By the time she was able to get me in our home, it was 12:30 at night. "Come on, we have to get you to our room. Thankfully, we didn't wake anyone." On the way to our room, I fall. But I got up and we finally got to our room. "So let me see your diary and I'll let you see mine," I say to her (we do this every time we do this plan).

         As we were reading each other diary's we will answer any questions the other had about one of the entries. That's how I learned about the rescue bots and who was who by the time everyone had got up and got ready for the day. We made sure to be super careful when they were getting ready. "I think they are in the kitchen now. Here is my outfit for the day so go get ready." Dani said as she gives me her clothes. "Okay, okay. I'm going," tell her as I make my way out the room.

         After I had taken a shower and got ready for the day. I made my way to the kitchen to get some coffee as that's what Dani did every morning because she is not a morning person. "Morning Dani, what do you have planned today?" asked my little brother as he was eating some cereal. "No, I need coffee first," I told him as I was at the coffee pot, starting to make me some. when I was done I told him that I was going to the store to get some things; like more wax and some books for me (Dani asked me to get them for her well I was out). "Can you get more cereal well you are out?" my father asked as he finishes his coffee. 

         After I was done with my coffee and got outside I noticed that Blades was there. "Good morning! Where are you going?" he asked. "Good morning, Blades. I'm going to the store to get something. When I get back we can go fly around the town if you want?" I asked him. "Okay, see you later Dani." He said as he waved goodbye to me. By the time I got to the store it was 8:30 am. When I was done getting the wax for the bots and some cereal for us I made my way to the library. As I was walking around looking at the novels about romance for Dani, I found one that I liked and got as well as the ones that she wanted me to found.

         But on my way back I found a kid who looks like he was last. "Hi, are you last?" I said in the nicest voice I can do. "I can't find my mom." The little girl looked so scared so I looked around to see if I can find her mom. Her mom was on the other end of the road than us, "Is that her over there?" I asked the girl as she turns to look. "MOM!" she yelled as she runs to her mother. "My baby girl! Thank god for your safety!" Her mother said as her little girl runs into her arms. The girl looked back at me, "Thank you for finding my mama!" She yelled as she waved back to me with her mother. "Your welcome!" I yelled to them as I started to make my way back to my home.

         By the time I got home it was, 10:45 am and I made my way up to Dani's room after I put the cereal up. When I got in there I made sure to come with food for both me and her. "Hey, I got some food for us," I tell her as I take the food out of the bag. "Thank you, (F/N)." after we were done eating there was a call I tell Dani to take this one so I can put the stuff up before they get back. "Okay, bye see you later. :)" she said as she runs out the door to Blades. after she had left I started to put up the books that I got for us. then I go to the kitchen to throw away what was left of the food, then I put up the wax and some other things I got them.

         When I was done with putting things up I got back to our room and started to clean up some in there. After I was done I got out my book and started reading. As I was reading, I'll sing a bit about the book in the part of vrow of the mina character; (the name of the song that she is singing is 'Haul Away The Anchor')

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