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This is the story of how I beat cancer...

When it all started my nurse told me to write down 3 things that I was grateful for to help me stay positive. That first day, it was grape popsicles, my family and my best friend. I have been grateful for my best friend Jodie a lot, but this time was super grateful for her. You will see...

I sat in my room for hours looking out the window waiting for my mom to come in with some good news from the doctor. She called a family meeting and I saw my sister running up the stairs like a puppy. "I've got some bad news, Noah the doctors said you only have nine more months." Nine months of what", i quickly answered? "Nine more months of living my dear". Cancer is the worst! i said with a dark voice. I could see the tears fall down on my dad's cheeks. This was not how I pictured my Friday night to be. "Noah honey, are you alright" mom asked me.

All i wanted to do from the moment mom told me about my limited time, on earth, was to call (my absolute best friend) Jodie and tell her about all of this because she was the only one who could really help me process this, but you know Jodie, it's always "im busy with football or " i have a test tomorrow". Jodie is like my twin, but like literally we were even born on the same date (December ninth 2003.)

" Boom, Boom, Boom" i heard outside my room. It sounded like elephants were walking down my hallway, I slightly opened the door leaning out, and at the end of the hall I saw the beautiful smile on Jodie's face. Apparently my mother had told Jodie about this. See i told you that Jodie is like a part of our crazy family. Mom and her crazy parties. Dad with his intense job, my little sister who's twelve years old, my sister Chloe, my older brother Mike and we can't forget Jodie. She fits in perfectly. She is my twin, well sort of. When Jodi was three she lost her dad, her mom was miserable so she ran away from home and unfortunately she was an only child without a mom or dad. My mom and dad loved raising her but when she turned sixteen, she moved in with her grandmother because she needed some space, but of course we are still with each other every day.

The next day, i woke up and felt exhausted because it was 6 o'clock in the morning. I picked up my phone and realized that I have already gotten ten messages and three missed calls from Jodie. I immediately called her back to see what was so important. She answered the call really quickly and screamed,

"We are having a ball". I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to see if it was something for breakfast. Across the dining table I saw that the principal from my school was there, at my house. He sat there with a strange smile on his face. Why was he here, was something wrong?

He then asked me if I wanted to help out with the preparations for the Winter formal dance, he also said that Jodie was in it too. I obviously said yes because I had promised Jodie that I would help her no matter what it was. Later that day it was time for the ball preparations, I was really excited. When I got there, I saw Jodi talking to a girl some meters away from me. She looked away and saw me standing there, she gave me a big hug and started talking about the ball decorations and how it should look like. i couldn't hear what she was saying because everything that was going on in my head was all about that maybe i will miss this ball. Maybe I'm gone when it happens. She suddenly stopped talking. I think she realized that I was thinking of something completely different. "is something wrong, Jodie said"

My mom had told Jodi about this. "She looked me in the eyes and said. "The ball is NEXT week". I mean of course she knew already, she always does.

That night, all i could think about was, Why me?

Why should someone have to die who's barely eighteen and that is not going to make it to college, everything is so unfair.

- Noah, wake up it's time for school. Mom said in a very enthusiastic voice.

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