How it began

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Chapter notes: I really wanna say that out of all the stories I wrote this might be the shittiest but I promise you it gets better. Also this story is based on the events of episode 1 but from Jade's perspective (coz she is THE best girl just saying)

Walking through the doors of Rainbow high for the first time was something frightening for anyone, including Jade Hunter. She might look like a fearless baddie on the outside, but don't let appearances fool you, deep down Jade had so many fears she lost track. One of them being making friends: something that Jade struggled with a lot. Nonetheless, Jade was always up for a challenge, especially when it came to facing the cruelty of society since she has dealt with it all her life, i.e. being looked down upon for being too 'masculine' or too creepy. So she wanted to believe that her occasional social anxiety was not gonna get in the way of her making friends in the school which, by the way, she worked her butt off to get into.

The instant she arrived to her dorm she was met with the most surreal feeling as saw what she could never imagine: her name printed on the sign next to the door. That's when it hit her, the moment to meet her roommates has arrived. The moment she wasn't ready for despite how many times she told herself she was. Regardless, Jade was a boss at hiding her feelings. "You got this Jade, there's no going back", she whispered to herself before taking a deep breath and opening the door, trying to let go of all her nerves as she walked in. Jade was flooded with relief when she found just one of her roommates inside - after all Jade did plan to show up early for a reason. Her first roommate, who was just as lonely as Jade, was a picture perfect, probably super organised, barbie looking girl.

"Hi I'm Jade, your roommate duh, and you are...?" She said anxiously as she tried to remember the other names on the sign. To which the pretty girl added, "I'm Bella", her tone providing a sense of welcoming. "Nice to meet ya!" they both exclaimed as they reached for a first bump. Not bad, Jade thought to herself, "so...what's your major?". "I do set design", Bella replied, "what about you?". "Well, if my eyeshadow didn't give it away, I'm all about makeup! Ooh, lemme show you something!" Jade said as she got the most random idea. The conversation moved to Jade's scattered makeup collection as Jade began to transform her makeup in the nearest work table. With a dark green smokey eye and extra long golden lashes, Jade used her makeup skills to effortlessly transform her makeup into what she liked to call 'quick drag'. "Wow, your makeup skills are so good it's scary", said Bella admiring Jade's work right before getting a crazy idea, "Jade, you should surprise our roommates!". "I'm on it", said Jade without hesitating about showing her talent in the most frightening way. As excited as she was, part of her didn't want this to ruin her roommates' first impression of her, but getting along with Bella she just hoped the rest of her roommates will get her like she does.

It wasn't long until the next girl walked in, meaning the time for Jade to put her jump scaring skills to the test has arrived. A red head was her first victim who was frightened successfully. "Remind me not to walk into a room with you in it ever again", she said, "you almost got me there, uh..." "Jade. This is Bella", added Jade as Bella waved. "I'm Ruby", the red head laughed. "Now that we all know each other, excuse me while I go do that to our next roommate", said Jade. "Whats with the makeup?" asked Ruby in confusion. "Shes got some sweet skills to show off", answered Bella. "Fire! So she's here for makeup, I'm here for mixed media, what about you Bella?". "I'm here for set design"-

"Hold up, I sense someone approaching", Jade interrupted as she braced herself for another jump scare while Ruby and Bella rolled their eyes, even though they knew they could not miss this. "Wuddup? Scared to meet your roommates?" said Jade to the social media sensation Violet Willow as she walked in to get a fright even funnier than Ruby's. At this point Jade got the hang of making friends, but what she feared was still to be found: what if they didn't accept her for who she is? What if her first impression was too weird? Questions that Jade didn't wanna know the answers to flooded her mind to the rim. Nonetheless, she chose to bottle those feelings up. After checking out Ruby's killer custom kicks and a first official group selfie, Jade went from quick drag back to natural and headed over with her roommates to their very first assembly.

The first day turned into the first night, loneliness took over Jade as she observed how much Ruby and Violet were getting along while they did their bubble masks together in amusement. Jade couldn't help but wonder if she failed at making friends, perhaps her first impression was too creepy after all. Thinking about the pressure Rainbow High has put on its students already, Jade was overwhelmed at the fact that she's gonna have to go through it alone. So overwhelmed that it started to build up in the form of tears, which quickly ran through her eyes and down her face, ruining her makeup on the way. In the hopes that no one would see her like this, she made her way to the bathroom as fast as she could. She couldn't help but tell herself what an embarrassment she's made out of her first day. All this negativity started to grow the more she thought about all the-

"Jade?" said a familiar voice that sounded to be in the room with her. "Gawd!" exclaimed Jade in embarrassment, almost confused screaming, "how did you get in here?" "You left the door open for some reason, and I heard you crying...what's the matter?", worried Bella. "Just leave me alone", said Jade trying to wipe her tears but instead made an even bigger mess of her eyeliner. "Friends don't let their friends be alone, plus...I hate to see people cry", Bella sat lower to talk to Jade face to face. She reached for the pocket on her pink Chanel jacket and gave Jade a pink satin tissue with the initials 'BP' faintly painted in gold. "Thanks", said Jade as she took it, "You really think we're friends?". "I know it! Making friends might not be the easiest thing in the world, but you don't have to worry about a thing'll always have me. Plus, you're THE most awesome person I met in this place, whoever doesn't want to be your friend is missing out" said Bella as Jade finally stopped crying. "It's all the pressure at Rainbow High that worries me", said Jade, "I just...don't wanna go through it alone, it's too much for me to handle."
"I don't know how many times you've heard this, but you're talented, okay? This runway project is gonna be a breeze I promise, and if you ever feel lost you can always count on me!", Bella reached for Jade's knees to comfort her. She helped Jade up and pulled her in for a hug.

What Bella told Jade gave her encouragement, and she was never gonna forget that. Suddenly her anxiety faded and she wasn't afraid of her journey at Rainbow high anymore. And it was all thanks to her new best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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