The Space Method

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This is another shifting method! This is also mostly based off of visualization.

Step One

Get comfortable. I find it easier to lie on my back and when I'm ready turn over to fall asleep, but you can do this and allow yourself to fall asleep on your back, or you could do this on your side/stomach.

Step Two

Turn on any subliminals you'd like to listen to, I'd recommend kvzsmix's YouTube channel, they don't have many videos yet but I find their subliminals enjoyable, and they have a shifting subliminal, but of course you can listen to whatever you want.

Step Three

Start to visualize yourself. In whatever position you're laying in, where you're laying. See yourself like you're watching a movie.

Step Four

Start to take some deep breaths. In for four second, hold for three, out for four. Do this however many times you'd like, and you can do this while visualizing if you'd like.

Step Five

Imagine a light (of any color, your choice) slowly coming out of your head. Imagine this as your subconscious mind. Now, imagine that light slowly moving up and away from your body. Watch it fly through the wall/window to the outside. If you want, you can imagine that you are the ball of light (so you would imagine in first person) or you can continue to see it as if it is a movie. Watch the ball fly higher and higher until it's in space. Keep flying even higher. Imagine giant balls of light. Those are different realities. Watch the ball fly towards one of the giant balls of light (your dr). Have it fly down from the sky. See the area where your dr self will be when you shift (this can be Hogwarts, the mcu compound, etc.). Notice your surroundings. What does everything look like. What is around that area where your dr self is? Get closer and closer to your dr self, until you can finally see them. Look at where you are. Where are they? What're they doing? Then, allow yourself to go into your dr self, and then you begin to see everything from your dr self's perspective. Explore your surroundings. Ask again, where are you? Start to smell things, explore where you are (again, whether that be Hogwarts, the compound, etc.) continue doing this until you feel you've shifted or something happens that alerts that you've shifted (if you scripted anything to happen when you shift) or until you're ready to fall asleep.

Just so you know, when I said "your" before the light goes into your dr self, I am referring to the ball of light.

Happy shifting! You can do it! 111 222 333

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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