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Grace's eyes fluttered open suddenly. The girl took a deep breath and looked around slowly. She found herself to be in some sort of bed except there was no mattress and only a small lumpy pillow propped up her head. As she woke up further, she became more aware of her surroundings and she propped herself up on one elbow.

She jumped when she heard the quiet jingle of a bell and the even quieter thump of feet on wooden floor. Her heart began to quicken as she silently slipped from her makeshift bed and tried the handle to the room that entrapped her. Grace found it locked so she immediately scanned the contents of the room for something that could be used to open it.

Two minutes later, she stood on the other side of the frame and softly closed the door. Pocketing the safety pin she had used (she might have other use of it) she tiptoed quietly towards the exit of the shop she appeared to be in. Grace winced several times as the wood creaked in places, but pressed on until she had successfully reached the outside air.

Her eyes widened, then squinted in the sun. The multitude of shops lining the street were really quite different from anything she had ever seen. Strange lumps of metal, that appeared to be a form of transportation, lined the dark street in various places and hardly any of the women she saw wore a dress. Not that she hadn't seen a woman wear trousers, in fact she was wearing her favorite pair now, but it was quite unusual for all the women to be without them.

"Focus Grace!" the girl told herself. She glanced behind her just in time to see a wall of purple descending upon the whole town. Amongst all the strange things she had seen today, this seemed like a blessing, for the girl recognized the power immediately. Magic was here. She smiled to herself continued on her way.

The girl, fourteen when the evil queen's curse struck, had only recently discovered her magical abilities. Controlling them was a gift that came naturally to her, but how much power she had was unknown to herself. She had to carefully monitor the amount of magic she used so as not to overflow her limits.

Grace was so lost in thought that she almost bumped into a group of people. She stopped suddenly and surveyed the group. Her eyes widened in surprise and her shoulders visibly relaxed. So she did have some friends here.

"Ruby?" She asked the young woman before her. She had long brown hair and her white teeth showed when she turned to Grace.

"I didn't know you were here! I haven't seen you around at all!" Ruby threw her arms around Grace's slim figure and she gladly returned the embrace. She only let go when she spotted the two people behind Ruby.

"Snow! Charming!" She cried. Soon the three were wrapped up in a group hug in which Grace gripped the two fiercely in her yearning for something familiar in a strange place.

Suddenly Grace let go. She couldn't believe she had been so stupid. She hadn't even stopped to consider how she had gotten here! She thought can hard about what had happened, but that last day before the curse had been enacted seemed to be completely gone from her memory.

"Where have you been? I was beginning to hope that you had missed the curse somehow," Snow told her. She seemed unperturbed by Grace's sudden release.

"I'm not sure what happened. I only just awoke on a bench in the shop," grace pointed to the place that had either held her captive or protected her and she highly doubted the latter considering her missing memories.

"This is the land the curse has brought us to?" Grace inquired. The group looked at her and nodded as one.

"And your memories have returned. It has been broken?"

Again a collective nod. The girl looked around again, taking in the other faces. She waved slightly at the seven dwarves who stood behind Snow and Charming and gave a nod to Ruby's grandmother who stood beside her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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