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"You're joking." Izuku said in his living room.

" Izuku said in his living room

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"I know it's-"

"What? It's what?" Izuku shouted "That my life is fucked?! I'm quirkless asshole! I'm constantly worried about my life as it is and now my Augs, the shit that made me more human even though I'm missing half of me, now are the reason my work visa is nulled. Where's the self destruct on my Augs? I'd rather blow my brains out as an American then live back there."

"You don't have a self destruct. Contrary to the homeless schizophrenics belief we don't put those in Augs." David said "You won't be completely out of options. You can still be a cop in-"

"In the shit hole I spent my entire live trying to leave?" Izuku said.

"We'll wire you money and cover transportation." David said.

Izuku hung up and leaned back on his couch.

Izuku hung up and leaned back on his couch

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"Fuck." Izuku said

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