The dinner

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It was 8:00pm in a really cold night, Severus Snape was getting ready to receive the Malfoy family for dinner and he was going to make sure they the 14 year old girl that live with him will stay in her room or go out, but she couldn't appear in that dinner, so he went to her room to check on her.

"What are you doing butterfly?" He said opening the door.

"ho I was just getting ready to go out with Mathew" said the girl with long black beautiful hair and beautiful eyes, one green and the other one gray.

"You better go now because the Malfoy's will get here at any moment" Severus said in a nervous tone

"I know and I'm going, calm your nerves old man" she said laughing and getting out of the room

"Be safe Lily!" Severus said while she left the house.

Lily was really exited, she was going to meet her cousin Mathew and they would see the stars all night until they could come home. Lily get to the park and waited for Mathew to arrive, until she felt too cold hands covering her eyes but she knew exactly who was it.

"You better get you cold hands of me or I will kill you" Lily said as a joke

"Come on accept that you get a bit scared" replay Mathew

The went to the woods and start playing and seeing the stars and while they enjoyed on the other hand the Malfoy family had already come to the big dinner. The hours passed and and it was almost time to go home, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy were drinking coffee with Severus while his son Draco was reading a book because there was nothing else to do.

But when they were already finished and they were almost gone the door of the house opened in one blow that sounded very loud and made everyone take a little leap and Lucius and Severus pulled out their wands and Narcissa take the hand of his son Draco.
Snape knew full well who opened the door but was hiding it wen Lily slowly entered the room covered in blood from her feet to her head and her look nailed to the floor.

''Ammmm I have a problem'' Lily said with her voice braking and she didn't dare to look at the 3 other persons in the room that she didn't knew about.

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