chapter 1

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Authors note:
Revamping this story.

Warning again: Cursing and options of blood.


Moltens POV

Molten had come back with Jon and was walking to the portal room. He had to know Bryan was working on a secret project when Springtrap was planning his death trap, but now looking back on it, he hadn't known Bryan would make this big of a theme park. Some of the designs and rides were questionable but from what he knows of the designer, it was Helpy who did all of it. Which now Molten thought it was a bad idea for Helpy to even have such a decision in the future of the company. Let alone that she was even helping at all, the little shit was always greedy, and selfish to the point Bryan almost became bankrupt on how much she spent on useless shit. As they walked up to the place where it was the first Fazbear theme park, Molten stopped a bit to stare at once as a happy place now looked abandoned and lifeless, as everything had been stripped away as if it was a piece of chocolate being fought over for.

But then again why should he care? It has nothing to do with him, the abandoned theme Park at least, the killer animatronics, or from what he heard about, the "Twisteds" are the nuisance. He's not sure of what they were or where they came from but what he's guessing was the portal. He wasn't sure if it was the old Pizzeria's portal until he walked into these large metal doors and was found, well rather speechless. He didn't know how it got there or what it was doing there, but he knew it was gonna be trouble. But for now, he wanted to have fun with it, it couldn't do much harm otherwise bring what could kill 37 people in the fucking shit show of a theme park Helpy has built and designed. But it's not like they couldn't be taken care of, he doubts they are any real threat to him. It's not like they magically can kill him so easily like Afton so desperately wanted to do.

Speaking of Bryan, it's been a long since he saw Bryan. He wonders if he's the same old idiot, or he's different. He doubts it, it's not like he could be THAT different, he's probably more annoying and idiotic than ever. Jon has said some stuff of Bryan but Molten could only get a summary of what has been happening in this useless place. As molten went up into the drafts of the portal room to watch in secret, he noticed Jon has been muttering to himself about Bryans's wellbeing. The idiot has taken the CEO position, yet he had 37 people killed at his property. Molten could only wonder who in the right fucking mind would give him such a high power with this much of a death count.

Bryan POV

Bryan became to walk into the portal room, pausing to see a heliotrope flower wilting as it's surrounded by Belladonnas. He had never seen this flower near the portal. If anything nothing grows around the portal for 200 feet radius. He faced it before being poked by one of his animatronics. Curing mentally for being distracted he stood in front of the door.

He was reassuring that Davis called Jon for a small update no less. He wasn't in much trouble. Bryan was lying to himself, he knew Jon would bring backlash of what he had heard that's been happening in the park. But Bryan could only hope this would go in his favor. He was so wrong...

Bryan entered the Portal room to see a figure standing directly facing it, Bryan knew it could only be one person but for now, he had to act like regular Bryan, and act stupid. He walked forward and only hoped from there.

"Uhhh, sir you can't be here-"

The figure started to face Bryan, it was Jon of course.

"Oh, Jon! Buddy, pal, good to see you!" Bryan walked forward and hugged him, only smiling. This was gonna go his way even if it was his last breath.

"Yeah yeah, get off me.' Jon had sparked to Bryans's hug, pushing him away slightly, Bryan was never really physical after the 1st pizzeria, and even during it, it was only small touches here and there. Bryan backed away rapidly, slightly sweating for forgetting that fact. He made a mental note of his 4th negligence in the 2 months he's been conscious. Jon was gonna take that 2 steps and run a mile with it if he didn't shut it down.

Heliotrope In A Field Of Belladonnas: TFF FanficWhere stories live. Discover now