erwin boob

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The day was January 20, which meant it was Ace's birthday. Not only was it Ace's birthday, but it was also the day he would get married to Erwin Smith.

A lot of Ace and Erwin's friends were coming to their wedding that day. It would be a reunion for all of them. Ever since the scouts notoriously defeated the titans and took back everything that was stolen from them. Once humanity was restored most of the scouts went their separate ways to live fulfilling lives and explore life outside of the walls. Ace and Erwin fell in love, as well as some of their other comrades like Stranger And Reiner or Hayden and Hange.

Ace was in a dressing room getting prepared for the wedding ceremony. Erwin was doing the same. Both were equally nervous, but they knew they wanted this more than anything. Finally being together forever.

Stranger, Kit, Hayden, Loretta and London were all together making their way to where the wedding was being held. The wedding was being held in a beautiful field that was filled with all types of flowers. There was an alter set up and chairs for guests as well as other tables for food and drinks.

"I can't believe Ace and Erwin are getting married!" Loretta smiled.

"I know right. Anyways, did any of you guys get dates for the wedding?" Kit asked af.

"I'm going with Reiner," Stranger said before speaking again, "Hayden is going with Hange."

"What about you guys?" Kit asked to London and Loretta.

They both shot glares at each other before London spoke up. "Well, I wanted to go with Armin."

"Well I wanted to go with him first!" Loretta exclaimed.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter. Armin wanted to just go as friends, he wasn't interested in a date." London told them.

"Oh, I see. I wonder if Eren's coming to the wedding? I'm sure he is, but I wonder if he got a date," Kit spoke again, really just wondering to themself.

Once their conversation concluded they had finally made it to the area the ceremony was being held at. The setup for the wedding was beautiful, white decorations all around the area. Pyxis was at the alter preparing his lines for the ceremony.

As the small group of friends arrived they started to see their other friends. Sasha, Jean and Connie were all talking together. Hayden went and met uo with Hange, Stranger and Reiner doing the same. Loretta and London both stood on opposite sides of Armin, glaring at each other in a silent battle over who he belongs to. Kit walked over to the three. As soon as she made it over there Mikasa and Eren had also come to meet up with them.

"Oh my god, is Eren seriously wearing a dress!?" Armin said, stifling laughter.

"He is supposed to be the flower girl," Mikasa said. Eren was wearing a white dress with white heels, he had a basket in hand which was full with flower petals. Everyone was either wearing tuxedos or dresses. The theme was black and white so most of the guests chose between wearing white or black outfits. Mikasa had a gorgeous black dress with lace detailing. Armin wore a white tux, Loretta wore a white dress and London wore a black one.

"Nice dress, Eren," London said. She tried to hide her laughter at the site while Loretta didn't hold hers back at all.

"Stop laughing already! Ace blackmailed me so I had no other option besides wearing the stupid dress," Eren said in an annoyed voice.

Everyone who didn't have a role in the wedding started to find their seats and sit down. Everyone who had a date sat with their dates. Most people were seated with their close friend groups.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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