Mistaken tryst

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He was late. It was their first meeting and he was late.

She should've known better than to let Alexa set up a blind date for her, really she should've known better. She only just broke up with Matthew and she wasn't even ready for a new relationship. she doesn't know why she agreed to this.

Sitting in this restaurant in one of her best dresses refusing her waiter's offer to order while she waits for her very late date really isn't how she wants to spend her Saturday night.

"Sorry, I'm late" she suddenly hears from behind her.

Turning around her eyes met those of a man with coffee brown eyes and a sheepish smile.

"It's fine," she said, taking note of his red handkerchief, the same shade of red that lined her dress, before waving her hand invitingly to the seat across from her "I'm glad you could make it"

"I'm normally not this late" He replied taking his seat across from her "But my meeting ran longer than usual"

"It's fine. I haven't been waiting that long anyways" She lied. She's been here since 5 and it was already 6:15

"That's good to hear. I never caught your name, Ms..."

"Boyle, Emery Boyle" she replied "And you Mr...?

"Drake, Elliot Drake," he said in turn

Their waiter, Johnathan seeing that her date arrived smiled at her.

"Hello, are you ready to order?"

Elliott looks at her then nods in agreement before gesturing for her to place her Order.

"I'll have the steak au poivre" She responded folding and placing her menu down

"and I'll have a beef bourguignon" Elliott replies handing their waiter the menus

Emery would be lying if she said she wasn't having a good time, she was. Elliot was smart, funny and they had a lot in common. He didn't talk over her and he listened to her opinion and when he didn't agree his argument was always thoughtful with evidence to back him up.

She couldn't remember ever having a conversation like this with Matthew. He threw childish tantrums when she didn't immediately side with him and he didn't debate, he just expected her to always agree with him.

She was shaken from her thoughts when she heard her phone chime looking down she saw a text from Alexa. She looked to Elliot before giving him a sheepish smile "Sorry, can I take this?"

Just as he was about to respond his phone chimed as well "Only if I can answer this" He said grinning at her

Returning the smile she opened the chat between her and Alexa


Me: Who??

Alexa: Matt, he asked me to set up a meeting between the two of you so he could talk

Me: wait

Me: so I was supposed to be waiting for MATTHEW??

Alexa: yeah

Alexa: you've been so depressed lately I thought you might want to meet and talk it out with him

Me: wtf

Me: NO!

Me: I would never want to do that!

Alexa: it's a good thing he was a no show then

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