[Chapter 1]

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My name is Y/N. I am your ordinary surgeon who works at your ordinary hospital. I save lives every day, but lose some as well. It wasn't until recently that these so called ordinary things became really unordinary.

I was attending to a patient on the highest floor of the hospital. There was something wrong with this patient. His eyes were black voids of emptiness. His veins, not blue, but black, coursing through his arms and body. He wouldn't talk to me or the other nurses, only mutter gibberish. I finally decide to attempt to talk to him again.

"It is coming."
I'm shocked by the response.
"It is coming? What is it?"
"The Entity."
"The... Entity? What are you talking about, sir?? Have you taken your medi-"
"Good luck."

Without being able to question him longer, a thick fog surrounds me. As the fog begins to engulf me, a creepy smile forms on the patient's face. It was then that I was completely surrounded by the fog and I disappeared from the hospital.

A nurse had walked in, wondering where I was, only to see the patient by himself. A worrisome expression covers the nurse's face as she begins to question the patient.

"Where is the doctor, sir?" She asks, frantically.
"Gone?! Where did she go?!"
"Sir, please! No one around the hospital has seen her! You must know!"
Instead of responding, he gives out an ominous chuckle, scaring the nurse.

The nurse rapidly picks up the wired phone and dials 911. She proceeds to report that the doctor is missing. They assure her that they will find her and a search party is issued.

Everyone was looking for the doctor for days and days... until they officially close the search. The doctor was declared legally dead, and the case was closed.
I wake up laying on a log next to a campfire. I rub my eyes and stretch, sitting up. Finally realizing my situation, I scream.

"Calm down! It's okay!"
I feel someone put their hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to see a girl with brown hair and brown clothes.
"Where am I?!" I ask, frantically.
"Well... uh... we don't know. What we DO know is that we.. can't leave." She answers.
"Can't.. leave?.." A much more fearful expression covered my face.
Tears then flood my eyes, falling down to the ground below. I bury my face into my hands, continuing to sob.
"Please don't cry! We are all here in the same situation. You aren't alone."
"I.. Okay.." I try to calm myself down.
"Good. My name is Nancy. What's your name?"
".. Y/N."
"Nice to meet you, Y/N!" She smiles.
It wasn't until then that I saw other people gathered around me at the campfire.
"They're stuck here, too?" I ask.
"Yes. We have each other and that's what gets us through each day here."
"Um, hello everyone. My name is Y/N. I'm a surgeon."
"A surgeon? So you're a doctor? Looks like you have competition in the healing area, Claudette." A woman in a suit says.
"You know I'm only a botanist, Jane. Y/N will be a great help to us." The woman, named Claudette, responds.
"Yeah yeah." The woman, Jane, responds.

Out of nowhere, the same thick fog from before begins to surround 4 of the people, including Jane and Claudette, along with an old man and a woman with brown, frizzy hair.

"Aren't we going to help them??" I frantically say.
"We can't. The Entity is the only one who has a say in our new lives." A girl with a white coat says, shyly.
"The.. Entity?" I question, remembering what the patient in the hospital said.
"Yeah. That.. thing.. that controls us." The girl frowns.
"That patient I had.. he said something about the 'Entity'." I say, confused.
"A patient?"
"Yes, at my hospital. He looked as if he was possessed. He only spoke gibberish. It wasn't until after he talked about the Entity that I was surrounded and engulfed by the fog." I drop my head, contemplating.
"Ah.. strange."
"Wait! Where is the Entity taking them??" I ask.
"To one of those games we have to play. It's like eternal suffering."
"Yeah. 4 of us, 1 of them."
"Them? Who is them?"
"The killers." She points at the woods surrounding this area.
"Killers!?? Am I going to die??"
"No. We don't.. die. The Entity takes us back here, only for us to wait for the next game. The killers are the ones who... 'sacrifice' us to the Entity."
"Can we escape??"
"Yes. We have to activate 5 generators and leave through an exit gate."
"If I go through one of those, will I be free? Will I go back to my hospital?"
"..No. Like I said before.. eternal suffering."

This is all too much to comprehend. I still don't understand anything. My situation, those around me, where I am. I'm scared.

"You have us. We are in the same situation. We support each other." Nancy smiles, trying to reassure me.
"Yeah.. thank you." I say, calmly.
A few days have passed... I think? I don't know how long I've been here. I haven't been chosen to participate in any games yet. Although, I know it won't be long.

My intuition proves true as the fog begins to surround me. The fog engulfs me completely and I disappear from the campfire.

I come back to my senses and I'm in a different location. I appear to be at some sort of resort, snow falling at a rapid pace around me. The cold wind blowing against my face makes me shiver. Trying to adjust to where I am, I begin to walk around, looking for a generator.

As I arrive upon a generator, I begin to repair it to the best of my ability. Sparks fly from the machine as it slowly powers back up. Before I can completely repair the machine, my heart beat speeds up. I take this as an indication to run away, and I do so.

I can't see who is chasing me, since I'm focused on getting away. Suddenly, knives fly past me, some hitting me in the back, causing me to yelp in pain. The man comes up towards me and hits me, causing me to whine in pain. I am followed by both a blood trail, and the man who had hit me. He begins to throw knives at me again, hitting me with almost every single one, until I collapse.

Since I've fallen, I can finally see who it was that wanted me to meet my demise. I look up to see a handsome, asian man with silver hair. Blood covered his body, as well as his long, yellow coat.

He approaches me and squats down in front of my incapacitated body.
"Ahhh.. I haven't met you before! You sure are beautiful." He smiles, mischievously. "The prettiest one by far."
"Aren't you going to pick me up?" I cry out to him in pain.
"Hm. I could. Or.. I could just watch you slowly bleed out." He giggles.
"You think so? That's what all my victims said before I slaughtered them and used their screams to create my hypnotic melodies!" He exclaims.
I cry as I lay there, losing fatal amounts of blood.
"Aww.. you're so precious. Your crying has so much potential!"

He then picks me up and begins to carry me to a sacrificial hook. I consistently struggle, hoping to be released from his tight grasp. Alas, I was unable to escape as he puts me onto a hook. I scream in pain, having been impaled by the hook.

The last teammate, Nancy, is unable to save me due to her being injured. I remain on the hook, struggling against the Entity trying to take me. Whilst I was struggling, the man approaches me once again.

"I hope we meet again." He laughs.
Okay okay... listen. I don't know if I need to specify that he's a yandere, since he's already a cold blooded killer, but I'm going to anyways. And YES there WILL be lemon. Duh.

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