Over My Dead Body: Prolouge

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My Dad was a drug dealer. His name was Douglas Doyle. Notice how I say was instead of is. No my father didn't die. No he didn't go to jail. I find myself laughing at whatever it is that you're thinking. My father is still very much alive, he'll be alive for more than eternity, he is an immortal. My story starts at birth. Nothing exciting really, I was born in a graveyard...by a dead woman.

Yep you heard right. Enough of my sob story though, lets get to the point. My story really begins as of four years ago. An abounding rain fell upon my resting place. I didn't dare move or breathe for I was playing the classical game of hide-and-seek. My little brother Damon silently prowled the graveyard. I used my vision to see where he was.

I blacked out and shining purple light swarmed my eyes. I was partially blinded for a moment and then I changed. I was my brother, I saw through his eyes and felt the rain touch his skin. The rain was horrible, nearly suffocating Damon. He spun around and around and shouted in aggravation. I peeped his thoughts to see...well truth be told I just wanted to peep his thoughts.

She's here somewhere and as soon as i found her I'm calling a truce. I giggled to myself. Damon was halfway across the graveyard looking for me by the entrance. "Damooooooon" I teased. I knew his ultra sensitive ears picked up my teasing whisper. Damon was the best immortal I knew at hearing and blocking his thoughts. He even had developed the ability to shield himself from attacks using a mental shield that was almost impenetrable.

"FOUND YOU!" Damon popped the lid of of the coffin and stared down at me with excited gray eyes.

"Now about that truce?" I asked shielding my eyes form the pouring rain. Despite the cold rain my body was buzzing with heat and electricity.

"Truce...? WERE YOU PEEPING!" Damon didn't even have to ask because he knew I was. I smiled at him slyly and he grbbed my hand to help me up.

"Where's mom?" I asked suspiciously. Damon shrugged. "Dad?" Damon shrugged yet again.

"Beats me."

"I'm going to the store. Stay here and stay hidden. Mr.Phillip might decide to pay us a visit." I told Damon. He nodded and slipped into the coffin. He pressed a button which held a secret staircase that led to underground tunnels in the city.

"I'll see you later." Damon said waving good bye. I was only 12 and Damon was 9. Little did I know i wouldn't see him again for a very long time. I trudged through the rain and out the graveyard bearly paying attention to the cold rain tickling my skin.

I walked for a few miles until I reached the outskirts of town. The old diner that i knew and loved was open.

"Hey! It's little Izzy come to pay her old man a visit." My uncle scooped me up in his arms they way he knew I hated and blew wet raspberries into my neck. I laughed.

"Want a Cup o' Joe?" My uncle asked. I nodded eagerly and suddenly the rain that had soaked my body made me cold. I longed for a steaming cup of coffee.

As my uncle jabbered on about Iza, my uncles new wife, a pair of suspicious looking men walked in. The first one had steel blue eyes and wavy blonde hair tied up in ponytail. He was tallish with a fierce looking face like he wanted to snap someone's head off. The other guy had dreadlocks, his eyes were brown and he was kind of buff looking.

I tried to peep into the blonde guy's head but it was like some mysical force was clouding up his brain. I tried again and almost tipped off of my chair.

"WOAH! You OK little girl?" The blonde guy asked grabbing my arm and steading me. I nodded and pulled my arm away quickly. The dark guy reached into his rain soaked jacked and pulled something black out.

"Here you are Isabel." My uncle was completely oblivious to the two thugs sitting there! The blonde guy smiled and then pulled me up from my spot and the dark guy pulled out the black thing, a shining black gun.

"Phantoms!" My incle yelled in realization. It was too late though, The dark guy fired and i was taken away from my home forever


I hoped you guys liked it! I tried to make it as descriptive and readable as possible Like please :) i'll start ch.1 reaaaal soon TEEHEE <3 y'all :) Oh and comment! XD

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