1; Rocks in the Soil

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Katsuki stood at the edge of the water, watching the waves and contemplating things

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Katsuki stood at the edge of the water, watching the waves and contemplating things. He watched the soft waves gently blanket the few rocks and shells.

"I should bring offerings to the memorial soon" he murmured to himself before picking up a rock to throw into the waves. It splashed, but soon all evidence of him throwing it was gone. Katsuki turned and bent down to grab a basket that was sitting in the coarse sand. It was becoming cold now, he couldn't go swimming anymore. But, since he was in charge of the garden, Katsuki still had plenty to do, he was rarely bored. 

He would be turning eighteen coming in a couple of months, and he was excited. His partners had promised to make it a birthday he would never forget. Over the past year, they had been through fights, bouts of happiness and sadness; and gone through many, many kisses. Of course, nothing really sexual, but Katsuki had never been happier. 

He had found a spot in the closest village to make a memorial for all of the IDs he'd collected. Katsuki really loved it out here. He started walking up the sand towards the garden. He kneeled down in the rocks in front of the soybeans.

There was a few farmers a few towns over who had not only survived, but continued farming rice. He often got rice from them in exchange for the fish Tomura caught. He had a few tomato plants that were barely hanging on, yet still producing, so he had left those. Katsuki pulled out the weeds that had started peaking out of the soil around the soybeans. It was about time to pick the soybeans

Footsteps made him turn, "Babydoll, let me sneak up on you!"

"I give you chances" Katsuki smiled, "You're just too loud. How were you a villain again?

"Don't be so mean Kitty" Dabi called from the truck. Katsuki simply blew the man a kiss mockingly.

"Where are you two off to?" He asked Tomura. "Rice?"

The man shook his head, his long hair swaying. "Nah, we've still got some. The light blew in the bathroom again, so we're gonna go find a bunch that work"

"Have fun then" Katsuki kissed the man's cheek, "Come home soon, I'll be all alone with the ants"

"Ah, I'll see if we can find any ant spray while we're there, but you better looking into making some"

"Okay. Thanks love" Tomura stood, running a hand through Katsuki's hair. Katsuki watched the man walk back to the truck as if he was in a trance. He never tired of watching the man's hair sway in the light breeze.

He waved as they left, his hand moving even after he couldn't see them anymore. With a sigh, he dropped his hand time his side. He was so in love with them. If society was normal he would marry them. But, if society was normal he wouldn't have the chance for this relationship. Katsuki left the basket on the ground as he walked back to the house. It was along the same beach they'd originally landed on, but it was further North. Or South, he didn't really know.

Either way, the house was theirs now. It was sun powered, which wasn't super common, but since it was probably out of any village district, it made sense. It seemed to be a summer home more than a full-time one. It lacked a normal home layout, meaning it was not for everyday use. Dabi had fixed it up, giving it normal doors and he had managed to hook up the solar panels to the house from where they sat behind the building.

Tomura despite not being able to drive a truck or car had easily taken to the boat they took from the closest village. To get it working, Dabi and Katsuki had spent hours going through manuals on almost every part. They took from other boats to fix there's and in the end, only theirs worked now from the village. The others didn't. They had taken the major parts from most of the other boats to have replacements for theirs. The house was barely warm in the winter, they learned that the hard way. There was a fire stove in the center of the four roomed home and it never reached the bathroom.

Despite all that, Katsuki loved it here. He really did. It was so freeing to be away from the business of the city. To be away from society and be with those he loved. He thought about his parents often, though, replaying their last interaction over and over again. Some days, he would get upset about it and have to take a self care day but his partners understood. They always did. They knew him better than he did.

After getting a drink from the kitchen, Katsuki returnee to the garden, he began picking the soybeans that were now a pale yellow and dried to perfection. He skipper over pods that seemed to need more time, he could always come back later to get them.

Quick Note (again): the age of consent is 13 in japan, though some districts have raised it to 16-18. I'm gonna stick with the 18+ range as lower than makes me uncomfortable to think about so fun.

Word Count: 897

To confirm from the previous story and into this one: this is a poly relationship, all three are together-together.

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