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Shoes raced across the large buildings of Musutafu, Japan. As you could hear heavy panting lights flashing against silhouetted figures that dashed from building to building pumping their arms.

Mizuki Hamada: ''...So when do you think these police will lay off?'' Mizuki Hamada yelled to his side as another figure was just speeding beside him they too were running from the helicopters above.

Katsumi shio: ''..I don't know idiot maybe when they catch us?'' Barked back Katsumi shio as she slid under a pole, falling farther away from Mizuki now.

Mizuki Hamada: ''..Mm, well great job for ending conversation so quick..'' Mizuki Hamada said sensitively as he followed after skidding down to an alley as he panted looking side to side for his mentor and training-mate.

Mizuki Hamada ''..pssst, Katsumi?'' He called in a whisper-yell cuffing his hands to his mouth.

Katsumi shio: ''..Over here, idiot!'' She called her tone sharp yet hushed.

Mizuki hamada made his way over in a rush ducking under a small space broken into a small abandon building. There beside Katsumi was skyhawk, His light-brown eyes sharp as he stared above of him--


As he watched the helicopters search for them.

Skyhawk: ''..This was dangerous to come back here...''

Katsumi shio: ''...yeah well it's dangerous to be anywhere.'' She scoffed.

Mizuki Hamada, Stared down at his boots in silence as he thought innerly.

Mizuki Hamada ''..We need help, tho Katsumi is stubborn and quite the hot-head but...she has a solid point--..'' her words repeated in his mind in the silent moment still cramped in the small dent inside the building, yeah well it's dangerous to be anywhere.

feeling as if they were in there for hours in silence the helicopters seemed to retreat leaving them alone on the run once again...

Mizuki Hamada: ''..Gee, what a close one. Am I right?'' He said trying to lighten up the mood as Katsumi shoved him out of the dent, making him stumble a bit before laughing it off with visible pearly-white teeth and closed eyes.

Katsumi shio: ''..Yeah, it's always a little too close,'' She said making her way towards a garbage can as she leaned on it, flipping the little hair she had from her under-cut in sas.

Mizuki Hamada: ''..What's that suppose to mean?!" He barked back in offense.

SkyHawk: ''..Enough the both of you, go make yourselves useful and find us a route or somewhere to sleep tonight!'' He'd say his tone raised over the two teens.

Mizuki and Katsumi looked at each other nodding simultaneously as Mizuki pressed the ground slowly relaxing his shoulders as he soon phased into the ground.

Katsumi clicked her tongue throwing an eye-roll in annoyance at her training mate's quirk.

Katsumi shio: ''..Show off..''She puffed under her breath as she roofed her hoodie overhead heading out.


She continued walking along the sidewalk until she faced a crowd of civilians who stood in front of a sealed window, with tiny-stacked TVs inside. 

ニュース-(NEWS!): ''..Now let's show our top picks of this year and last year's, best of all might..''

Katsumi stared in awe watching the legendary pro-hero on Tv.

Katsumi shio: ''..All might..'' She breathed, as muffled chattering was in the background.

Mizuki Hamada: ''..Yeah..All might..'' He'd say phasing through an old man's face out of nowhere.

Katsumi shio: In startled-ness, she raised a fist socking the poor man in defense, sending him into an instant black-out swerves filling his eyes.

Mizuki Hamada:''..I suggest we start running?'' 

Katsumi shio: ''...Uh, Agreed!'' Without question, she dashed behind Mizuki who only seemed to phase through buildings at this moment as they ran.

Katsumi shio: ''..All might can help us, he..he can help us find Twofaced..'' She thought innerly vanishing into the alley,


Sorry for the long prologue I hope this story becomes really good I'd love to make a series of fanfiction/roleplay whatever you want to call this.

 On my made-up characters background stories and just more, I will come out with art on character designs on oc's too of my own!

Chapters will release every Wednesday's so be ready! or whenever I have extra time to make more.

Love you so much and thank you, sorry for the Grammar too if I mess up on some bits < 3 

Spoilers from season 5!

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