things happen for a reason

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Your P.O.V

        Today is the day you and Niall have been dreading for months on end. You turn over on your side to see Niall still sound asleep next to you, his body nestled into the comforter which makes you smile happily, forgetting about what will be happening later on in this dreaded day. You scoot a little closer to him in the bed to cuddle into his warm back and play with the blonde hairs at the nape of his neck, leaving a small soft kiss on his neck. Your arms around him tightly, becoming the little spoon against him and you lay your head on your pillow under you. A moment later, you feel Niall's warm, big hands with the calloused finger tips grab yours hand, making your heart jump and your stomach fill with butterflies as he rubs his thumb on the top of your hands.

                “I’m going to miss this.” You admit quietly in his ear and you start to feel some tears roll down your cheeks. You turn and hide your face into your pillow so Niall didn't see you cry. Niall slowly turns his head just enough to look over at you at he kisses your cheek softly, pulling you closer into his warm embrace. The smell of his cologne and after shave soaks into your senses, calming you down just enough to look up at him again.

                “I’m going to miss this too, Princess.” He says, giving you his adorable morning amused expression which makes you smile a little at him. He kisses you softly on the lips and you snuggle deeper into his arms which was a usual part of the morning routine of not getting up till 12 o'clock but you both knew today was going to be different. Once you got out of bed, he wouldn't be back for awhile which just makes your heart ache. But you try your best to shut that out as you just lay in his arms for what seems like hours on end in absolute bliss. Then, those blissful hours slip away as Niall kisses your forehead sweetly and says to you,

                “I love you so, so much princess but, I have to get going to the airport.” He says, sighing and taking your hand, intertwining fingers. As he squeezes your hand, you can piratically feel your heart breaking into millions of pieces just by those 8 little words you never wanted to hear Niall say. It finally starts to hit you, the pain not giving you any mercy. It's really happening. Niall's actually leaving. Niall then slowly crawls out of bed while you slip out of his arms unwillingly. You decide to turn over to watch him finish up packing his bags, as you two decided to turn in early last night. You crawl out of bed to join him with a teary look in your eyes. You keep thinking about the right words to say to make him stay here with you over and over in your head but nothing is sounding right. 'Don’t go on the world tour. I need you here with me.' Is just one of the many you came up with in those few seconds but you realize that he just can't stay here making you decide to hold it back with all that you can while tears brim your eyes. Niall turns around after he zips up his bag and sees some of the tears that managed to slip out of your eyes fall onto your cheek, starting to leave tear stains which cause Niall's face to drop. Niall walks over to you and embraces you tightly in his bare arm, looking down at you and into your eyes and you finally drop your guard, starting to sobbing. You end up collapsing in his arms like a rag doll so he just hugs you tightly, not letting you go.

                “Princess, I have to go but I promise I will be back. Time will just fly by. Okay?" Niall says, trying to put a smile on his face but he can’t. It's different this time. When you get this broken down, no one can really make you smile. You just continue crying in his arms until he has to leave, leaving a wet spot on his chest. You take a deep breathe and look up to his face,

                “I love you so much. Don’t forget that. Alright? Forever and ever my princess you'll be.” Niall says and you simply nod, wiping your cheek. Niall slowly steps away and grabs his bags from the corner of your room and heads to the front door, you following behind him like a lost puppy dog. You feel empty without his arms around you. Before he opens the door, he hugs and kisses you saying he loves you over and over again, making sure you don't forget it. Niall then walks out the door, you closing it behind him and you plop a seat on the couch, sobbing your eyes out. He gets to his car and puts his bags in the trunk as it's his second nature. He's used to these goodbye but you don't know if you'll ever be. You look out the front window and see him open his car door and look back at you before he gets in. You both wave at each other and you blow a kiss which he catches and puts in his pocket. Niall finally gets in his car and starts pulling out of the driveway. You watch for as long as you can in till you can’t see him anymore, making you have a hitch in your breath. Thoughts start to muttle up your mind up. You won’t see Niall for a whole year, maybe even longer. Niall could find someone else and you will lose your happiness and the person who means the whole world to you. You take a deep  breath and look around at your surroundings, trying to distract yourself and you notice your car keys on the coffee table through your bleary, teary eyes. You quickly grab them without a second thought and walk out the door. You have finally decided; You are going to go with him. 


        You start driving to the airport, hoping you will catch Niall before his plane leaves to the UK. As you're in the car, you're still crying your eyes out.  You then get to an intersection and the light is red. Just your damn luck. 

                “Come on! Turn green!” You say to yourself as you wipe a  tear and the light turning green just seconds later. You then start to go through the intersection, being the first car to go but you don't make it out of that intersection. There was a drunk driver coming from across the way who didn't pay attention to the light, causing you to be t-boned and killed on impact. You’re gone and sadly, Niall has no idea.

Niall’s P.O.V

        Niall's flight finally gets called to board after a 30 minute delay and as Niall starts to walk up to give his ticket and passport, his phone starts to ring. He excuses himself from the line and steps over to the side and out of the way to take it. It’s probably just Paul wondering if he is getting on your flight in time so he simply answered it, suspecting it to be a short call.

                “Hello, Niall here.” He said into the phone and then after those three words, Niall didn't mutter another word. He just stood there, listening to every word closely. Then, within seconds, he felt his whole world had break in half. He didn't know know what words he should spit out so he simply said the first words that seemed to fit this whole situation.

                “T-thank you for telling me... Have a nice day officer.”  He said, hanging up. panicking seconds after the phone call ended. Niall quickly decided to call all the boys telling them what has happened as he headed back to his car. His panic he had felt quickly starts to turn into grieving as well once he got to the car, starting to cry against the steering wheel. Niall knows he has to go see you one last time. Hell, it's a must. You're his everything.


        Niall finally arrives to the hospital from what seemed like hours and hours of driving to him but as he got to the front desk, they escort him to your room and he sees you, laying on the bed. Just how you looked on those lazy Sunday mornings after Niall would get up but you decided to fall back asleep for another hour or two. Niall then looks at your arms,  seeing all the cuts and bruises from the accident which just makes his heart drop from his chest to his stomach within seconds. The nurses quietly step out and close the door, leaving Niall alone with you in the room. Niall quickly grabs your hand, which was once warm and rubs his thumb softly on the top of your hand over a small scrape.

                “Forever and ever, my princess you'll be..." He mutters quietly and Niall kisses your cheek, just like you did hours ago but now, everything just seem cold. He sits with you in the room, in complete silence, still holding your hand for as long as he can before they tell him to leave. Even if you're gone, Niall still loves you for your present tense. About 35 minutes later, the nurses come in and tell him tell  it’s time to leave, the look of sorrow and pity in their faces. Niall wasn't really one for  a pity party but he wouldn't say a word about it. He just nods, looking over at you, his princess, one last time and he slowly lets go of your hand, letting it slip away from his reluctantly and he walks out of the room, taking deep breaths, trying to keep himself together. Niall was always a rock and you were his as well but now, he has to let it all out. He goes to sit in the hallway, sitting on the tile floor, back against the wall, his face in his hands and crying. Forever and ever, your prince he'll be.

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