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This four letter word confused Harry .Eight year old Harry believed that love is 'a prince and a princess meeting and living happily ever after'.He was fine with it but it all changed when his parents who used to tell each other 'love yous' started fighting and then his dad left.
He was confused wasn't love..was it?

But after meeting his step-father Harry began to think what his mom and stepdad has is love.Maybe that's why he was happy when they got married.

"Granny!"Harry called his grandma while resting his head in her lap
"Yes sweetheart"
"What is Love?"Harry asked
"You wanna know about love ,honey"his grandma chuckled."yeah I do"."there isn't one definition for love Harry .Everyone has their own ".
"what's yours?what was it like for you and grandpa.Mom told me you loved each other so much".
"She is right but I didn't love him I still do love him"she smiled.Harry didn't ask any more questions because she seemed to be in deep thought ..of his grandpa maybe."you know harry,Love is very beautiful and very scary at the same time.It can make you do things you don't want to.You will feel helpless but once you feel it you'll know it's the best thing that happened to you"."really? that's weird though.i don't wanna fall in love like ever"Harry said making his grandma smile.
"you are saying it now boy but believe me it's not something you'll have control over".his grandma replied smiling."yeah don't say it like  that granny"Harry said with a frown on his face.

"Haz ,Don't think like that dear .Love is scary only because you realize one day that you are willing to do anything for the person you fall in love with and you are scared of losing them...Haz you know how I lost your grandpa?".Grandma asked surprising Harry because it was the first time anyone bought that topic up.Anne,his mom, never allowed Harry to ask that .It was a sensitive topic.
"No Granny i-i don't was an accident?"
"It was an accident.A horrible one..."
His grandma closed his eyes and continued"only one of us could be saved it was either him or me."Harry  held her hugging her tight.
"you know what love did? We fought and cried shouting at each other  he wanted to save me .I wanted to save him and then he said 'listen darling I love you so much and I wanna give you the world but this is the first and the last time I'm saying no to you.go .Tell our daughter I love her so much yeah' and he saved me ,our Love did"
By the time she finished both of them were crying, holding each other .

That's when Harry actually started to want love.He dated in middle school in high school too but didn't find love.Maybe he didn't really have to..

"Harold!!! Excited for first day of uni lad?". Harry's best friend Louis Tomlinson asked."course I am .I'm missing home though but yeah I'm excited"."No worries mate you'll forget about that in no time you just have to start doing things in the tommo way you know what I mean?"
"Yeah right, that never works for me "Harry replied making Louis gasp"take that back peasent ".
It was Harry's first day at university but also a step closer to what he wanted .love.

It was the outgoing personality of Louis which made them friends with Liam and his best friend Zayn.Harry developed a crush on Zayn in only a week but never asked him out.Not even after a whole year.

"Can you stop sulking Harold you're acting like everything's over"Louis said after listening to Harry blabbering since morning."Louis he told me he likes some jerk Luke from his class He doesn't see me as more than friends"."He will if you actually express your feelings.I told you he likes you why aren't you asking him out it's been a year"at this point Louis was done with harry."you don't understand Louis it's hard-"" no it's not you're making it hard .I asked Elenour out , didn't I and it went well"."but -" Harry was interrupted by his phone"hello,Zayn-"." Harry c-can you come in my dorm please"Zayn said crying."Zayn why are you crying .i-im coming ok"Harry replied startled .
"what happened"Louis inquired.
"it's Zayn .I'll be back"Harry rushed out of his room .When he reached Zayn's dorm he found him crying on his bed."Zayn ?""Harry it's- it's mom..she g-got into an accident and and-"Harry pulled him in his arms and cried with him .That day he went to see his mom with him it was a very hard time for Zayn but after that incident they got closer and Harry decided to let Zayn chose if it was 'close' as friends or something more.

His grandma's words were true because he experienced it all . He was scared but happy when he finally realized how much the golden eyed guy meant to him and that fear motivated him to finally ask him to be his boyfriend and Zayn said yes...'yes' when Harry asked him to be his boyfriend and again 'yes' when Harry proposed two years later . Their journey was filled with bittersweet moments, tears and laughs. It was the worst harry felt when Zayn got sick gravely and he couldn't do anything except to be there for him but he was over the moon when ,after that tough time Zayn got better and told Harry that he is his rock and the reason he's better .

Love is frightening .Love is blissful.

When Zayn met Harry's grandma for the first time he was nervous but Harry was excited ,his eyes shining more than ever when he told her
"I found it granny ,finally."
And his grandma smiled while saying"I'm happy for you sweetheart.keep him safe ,in your heart".

That's what he told Zayn on their wedding day and meant it .
"I'll keep you safe ,in my heart,forever".
His grandma didn't get to see her grandson on his big day .She wasn't crying when he lost her ."Don't cry darling .you know I'm finally gonna meet him,your grandpa,I knew he wouldn't wait for long ,always been impatient...I love you,both of you"Her last words to Harry and Zayn.

Love.he now knows what the word means.whenever he looks at his husband.Sometimes people find Love Sometimes Love find them. Everyone has their own definition of Love.Harry's definition 'Zayn Styles'.

I really can't believe I actually posted it but I hope it was good if anyone actually read it.this story means alot to me as it is my FIRST ever story.
Dedicated to itsZaynAndhaRRY
And pussycat73
They are amazing authors and are my inspiration.

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