Hurry up

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"Hurry up Eztli" my best friend said "I'm trying ok just give me a minute" "uuuugh fiiine" we were walking to the kanniasana store. A video game caught my eye. If it didn't maybe she'll still be alive. That video game killed her, how you may ask, well let's start from the beginning.


My mom asked us to go to the store to get some milk and eggs to make a cake.
That day we had a play date so we both came. As we were walking, a video game caught my eye called"Us in The future". As I read the plot my friend called for me to come but I wasn't quite done reading so I told her to wait a second. She didnt and kept walking. As I finished reading the plot I came to see she was gone from my line of sight. Everybody was gone or to say more precisely everything. As I looked around I came to see that I still had the video game in my hand. But the title changed to "Me to The Future". I was confused and scared. I started to look around, well there was really nothing to look at, there were no walls no ground, no roof, no sky. It looked to be that everything was nothing and nothing is everything. As i was done looking around in the room of nothingness it started to turn red. Blood leaked from the sky even though there was no sky. Blood leaked through the walls though there were no walls, blood came from the ground and yet there was no ground. Blood never freaked me out so I was confused this did. The blood started to make a puddle and that puddle formed into a lake of blood and that lake of blood turned into and ocean of blood. I started to drown in blood, the blood leaked into my eyes then my mouth and my nose, it leaked into everything, every crevis every crack every hair and pour on my body. It leaked into atoms, into space, into me. I started to chocked on it as I smelt pancakes, cooking pancakes, those pancakes lingered in the air as I chocked. It felt peaceful as I could smell my favorite. delicious warm pancakes as I died.

"Honey wake up, it's time for breakfast, its pancakes. your favorite". Oh good morning mom, I had the weirdest dream last night. "Tell me about as we eat" mkay mema " dont call me that, that's what little kids call there mean old grandma, and I'm not a mean old
grandma". hahah "why are you laughing?" No reason your just funny mema..."hay!!!" Hay is for horses. "What's up with you this morning" "dont ask me mom".


"Tell me about this dream, you mentioned" ok, so you asked Aliama (my friemd) and I to go get some stuff from a store called kanniasana store- "never heard of that" yeah same, but like I was saying youa asked us to go there, as we were a game caught my eye I think it was called "Us to The Future" it interested me so I took a look at the plot, as I was doing so Ali started to walk away. As I was done I looked around to see nothing. It was like nothing was everything and everything was nothing-"that sounds like it would be a good quote" mom please stop interrupting me, "oh...sorry"
So as i was saying nothing was there. Blood started to leak out of everything l, even though there was nothing for stuff to leak out of. " please don't talk about blood as we are eating, and you know I don't like blood". "Oh by the way your probably getting your power"........whaaaat!! "Please don't yell" how can I not!my power was late and how can you not be happy or excited. "I am" well you don't sound it or look it. "Well I am excited by the way your late for school" huh "I said your late for school" please repeat that "i said. Your. Late. For. School" why didn't you tell me sooner "well I just noticed"


"Congrats on getting your superpower"

"Yeah love ya!! Byeeeeeeee!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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