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What is maladaptive daydreaming?

This book is written based on maladaptive daydreaming. For a lack of a better word, maladaptive daydreaming is a separate reality created in a person's mind in order to detach from the reality that they are living in. Maladaptive daydreaming can be a healthy way to pass time and process excess thoughts, but if done excessively it can be destructive to the dreamer's life. Dreamers seek this alternate reality and spend lots of their time in said alternate reality. This can result in the dreamer's downfall in the real world. The side effects can include procrastination, depression, anti-social personality disorders, etc.

I have been a maladaptive daydreamer ever since I can remember. I would create elaborate scenarios based on movies and shows that I watched at the time. At a young age, most of these daydreaming scenarios had been mostly fantasy. Creating worlds with magical powers that are impossible to reach. As I grew older and my interests started to change, my maladaptive daydreaming scenarios started getting more and more realistic.


This book follows the story of a rebel who did no one thought could find success. He is suppressed in many different ways both physically and mentally. After he gives up his life and follows his passion, he becomes one of the most famous, powerful, and wealthy men to ever exist.

He creates the largest entertainment company that mankind has ever seen in all history with limited resources and makes his company increasingly successful. In this book we follow his journey and the journeys of those around him. With the progression of the character's story, we will also be following along the journey of the company.

This is a work of fiction. All the characters, events, and people involved in the story are completely hypothetical and not real. Copy rights of all music, characters, and artists in this book belong to their rightful creators and have been curated into the story.

How to read the chapters properly?

At the beginning of each chapter, you will be given a song or a small playlist to listen to while reading the chapter. These songs are meant to create powerful emotions in the reader's mind while reading the story. Although listening to the songs is optional, it is highly advised to accompany the book with the music due to the fact that the songs will be talked about in the corresponding chapters.

Some chapters provide additional backstory for the characters or places as foot notes. Readers are advised to read these footnotes for additional information. In addition, some characters or scenes in the story contain specific pictures or artwork for a more immersive experience.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2021 ⏰

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