Akta's final moments

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     Young Akta looked up at her brother, Jack. He just started out as a hero in a new agency, and Akta told him she wanted to follow in his footsteps. Jack sat her down, and began to warn her of everything she'd have to prepare for

"If I told you it was only going to hurt"

     An older Akta, around 25 or so, holds onto her injured spider friend, desperately wrapping up a wound Inflicted by an enemy they've known for years. When she was able to hand her friend off to a paramedic, she held onto a burn stretching up the entirety of her arm, fighting back tears

"If I warned you it was only gonna burn"

     Akta looked back towards the collapsing building, knowing full well her friends were still in there. She got back up to head in when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't you walk in, let me do it first"

     She looked into the bloodshot eyes of her older brother, one eyes closed with a bleeding cut and a broken arm hanging at his side. She knew he was begging her not to go in, but she also knew she had to, otherwise her friends and Trevor would die.

"Do it all in the name of love"
"Do it all in the name of love"

     Without a second thought, Akta ran into the building, slowly falling second by second. She called out for her friends, and managed to get them all out. All but Trevor. She found him all the way at the top. Right before she entered the room, a beam fell next to Trevor unexpectedly, blowing up a plume of soot and ash right into his face.

"Would you let me lead you even when you're blind?"

     Trevor looked around but all he saw was darkness and his eyes watered continuously. He could barely open his eyes. He could hear things falling around him, but he couldn't tell where he was anymore.

"In the darkness? In the middle of the night?"

     He started panicking, clutching at his now racing heart. He could feel that the building would fall anytime soon and was scared. Scared he'd die in here all alone. That he'd never see his brother again. His friends. That he would never see Akta.

"In the silence, when there's no one by your side?"

     Akta came in, and saw the one she loves fall to the floor, holding where his eyes are. There were burns around his face and hands, accidentally grabbing scorched walls in need for support.

"Would you call in the name of love?"



"If I told you we could bathe in all the lights"

     Akta ran over to him and helped him on his feet.

"Akta I can't see. My eyes hurt. My hands too, Akta the building is going to collapse, why are you in here? You need to leave."

"I am not leaving you behind." But Akta knew they couldn't go back the way she came. Everything down there went ablaze after she went through.

"Would you rise up? Come and meet me in the sky?"

     Akta looked around and noticed a hole blown in the side of the building. She lead Trevor over there but there was a line of fire that Trevor wouldn't be able to jump.

"Trevor do you trust me?"

"What do you mean? What are you planning?"

"Trevor listen to me. Please."

"....Okay. I'm listening."

"Would you trust me when you're jumping from the heights?"

"Would you trust me when you're jumping from the heights?"

     Trevor looked in the direction of her voice. He had a feeling he knew what she was planning, but knew he could do nothing to stop her.

"I trust you. and...I love you too."

"Would you fall in the name of love?"

"I love you too Trevor. Take care of Scarlett."

     Suddenly Trevor felt himself falling through the air as Akta pushed him. Before he landed in the safety of someone else's arms, a loud explosion went off in the direction of the building. More tears fell down his face, this time not just from the soot that was damaging his eyes. He felt someone roughly grab his shoulder, and without even seeing them he knew who it was.

"Please tell me Akta wasn't still in there!" Her heavy Irish accent blocking out the pain.

"When there's madness, when there's poison in your head"

     When Trevor didn't answer, Mara knew the answer. Before you could stop her, she ran over to the settling rubble of the building, trying to find the body of her dear friend. Despite others trying to pull her away, she wouldn't relent. But finally her body gave and she collapsed in tears.

"When the sadness leaves you broken in your bed"

     Chika didn't hear of the news till hours later, after waking up in a hospital bed. When she was told, she sat silently. The last memory she had of her friend was Akta pulling her out from some rubble after a fight with her evil cousin. And that would be how she'd always remember her. Chika was quiet for the next few months.

"I will hold you in the depths of your despair"

     Gregor looked at his brother, fallen on his knees in hurt, both physically and mentally. He knew his limits. When he should be his normal pissy self and when he should keep quiet. He learned that control long ago. He was never that good with feelings, but his brother needed him. Gregor walked over and knelt down next to him and pulled him into a tight hug. He knew how much Akta meant to Trevor, having been there for every gushing moment where he couldn't contain his love for this girl. There when he had doubts about proposing. There next to him as he gave his life to that same girl. There when he felt he wouldn't be a good enough father to the child he now had to raise by himself. Although Gregor would never understand, he would be there with his brother through everything.

"And it's all in the name of love"

      Two hours later, a party of firemen were sent into the rubble to try and gather any bodies with the help of heroes. The only body found was Pro Hero Aphrodite's. Pro hero Bastion was the first one to spot her, and to this day he claims he saw her eyes close, as if only waiting to see her friends one last time before she let go.

      Despite only being 25, the young hero had a will written out. A hefty sum of money went to each of her close friends, along with some of her personal items that are unknown to the public. A private letter was sent to each of them, along with family members also.

      She is buried in what was once a private cemetery, but now open to the public for those who wish to pay respects. In her will she requested that any proceeds made in the name of her death go to the Nation Sexual Assault Hotline to raise money to help those who are victims of sexual assault.

      Since her death, Pro Hero Aphrodite's significant other, Pro Hero Shield, has retired from the hero industry, despite his father's very open disappointment, and 3 years later opened an orphanage in her name. He didn't move on to find another love.

      At the end of her will, she wrote a small statement that says. "I will not die useless." To which most of the population agrees that she held up that promise to herself.

     Young Akta watched as her brother walked out of the room, a child who knew more about death than any child should. To herself she muttered "I won't let anyone else I care about die..." A promise to herself that no child should make.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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