Shining Star

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Unsurprisingly, she was back at it again.

Kirumi had been working non-stop for several days; it was becoming apparent that she was unwilling to stop. Staying true to her nature, she acted like a warrior with a broom and tea tray. Always on guard, always having a duty to serve. That thought just made the note Korekiyo was fiddling with in his hands even more strange.

"Would you like to spend some time together this weekend? I understand have been neglecting you.

- Kirumi."

Whilst he could argue that she was doing it for him, he still found it rather strange. Nevertheless, he found beauty in her kindness. All of humanity was beautiful to him but Kirumi was that little part that just meant so much more. Smiling to himself, he remembered how he had responded to her note. He'd asked Shuichi to pass it on for him, they were all mutual friends after all.

"That sounds truly wonderful. I would offer our standard tea date but you need to take a break. I shall organise what we do.

From your beloved,

Silently, he pondered as he kept holding the note. The date was tonight, but how had he come to get this far? He wasn't usually one to have nervous quirks; as he toyed with the note in his hands he began to remember. Flittering in his stomach, butterflies carried him away to that eventful moment several months ago.

They began to flutter more excitedly.

Gently, a blonde-haired girl began to hit the keys. But before that, another blonde girl had caught his attention.

Shuichi had been asking him endlessly to attend his girlfriend's piano recitals. Previously, he had politely declined due to the impending awkwardness that would follow as a result of accepting the invitation. He would have liked to observe the beauty music can bring to the world; at the price of watching all of the flirting afterwards it just didn't seem worth it. Until now.

Shuichi must've explained Korekiyo's views as this time, Kaede had brought a friend. At first glance, she was the pinnacle of beauty. Both had them had remembered performance etiquette and had brought some flowers for Kaede. Ordinarily he'd be fixated on the flowers and their meanings but...

He just couldn't take his eyes off of the one holding them.

"Good to meet you, Korekiyo!" Kaede chirped enthusiastically, her violet eyes wide. "Shuichi tells me so much about you! This is Kirumi, a very close friend of mine! Hopefully you two get on!" Kaede continued to smile widely as Shuichi began to rub the back of his neck. "Heh, yeah. Kaede has wanted our friends to meet each other for a while now and she deemed this the perfect opportunity. Hopefully you two get on..." He chuckled, shifting his glance around the room. Eagerly, Kaede slung an arm around him. "Relax, Shuichi. They'll be fine! Let's find out, I have to go and get ready. Bye bye!" She waved, dragging Shuichi off with her.

Watching the two lovebirds run off, the two friends-to-be were stood facing each other.

As the happy couple bounced along, Korekiyo was the first to initiate conversation. "Hello." In awe, Shuichi was happily being dragged away by the talented pianist. He chuckled as they continued walking, on their way to the seats. Kirumi responded, giving him a small but polite smile. "Hello. How are you?" She asked, giving him a slight bow out of respect, and habit.

Taking a second, perhaps a second too long, he stood there and studied her. But not like an anthropology textbook or an event on culture. Fixed. His eyes were fixed onto her, like nothing he'd ever seen or experienced before.

Beautiful fair hair was like sand to the beach of her entire appearance. Soft as a feather, the hair gently fluttered down and made its way to cover her left eye. Interesting, he did love a bit of a mystery; he believed without a doubt that Kirumi would deliver. Due to her pale complexion, any slight hints of embarrassment would sneak its way onto her face and plaster itself over her porcelain cheeks. He had to stop himself from tittering at the thought. Glimmering green eyes were like gems in the crevices of her face. He wouldn't call himself infatuated...

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