🌼One shot🌼

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Ryujin is exhausted. She's drained because of her tiring job. She wanted to rest. So, instead of going home, she went to her save haven.

It's her best friend's/ secret crush's house, Chaeryeong.

Ryujin never had the guts to confess to her, not today, not tomorrow, and the next day after tomorrow.

Ryujin just wanted to rest on her best friend's shoulder.


Chaeryeong got startled once Ryujin pushes the door.

Ryujin found Chaeryeong doing a tiktok video. Chaeryeong just ignored her presence. It's a normal sight for Chaeryeong to see her bff in her house.

Ryujin sits beside Chaeryeong and leans on her bff's shoulder.

"Do this tiktok video with me, Ryu!"
Chaeryeong said.

"I don't want to. I'm tired Ryeong." Ryujin isn't in the mood to talk or to do anything. She just wanted to rest on her bff's shoulder.

"Please, you just have to repeat after me." Chaeryeong insisted.

Ryujin whined because she too tired to do anything. But, it was Chaeryeong. So, she just sighed in defeat. She sits properly.

"What should I do?" Ryujin asked without any enthusiasm.

Chaeryeong smiles. "You just have to repeat after me." she said.

Ryujin nodded. They both faced the phone and Chaeryeong click the button to start the video.

"Family" Chaeryeong.

"Family" Ryujin.

"Friends" Chaeryeong.

"Friends" Ryujin.

"Family" Chaeryeong.

"Family" Ryujin.

"Friends" Chaeryeong.

"Friends" Ryujin.

"Who do you want to be with for the rest of your life?" Chaeryeong.

"You!" Ryujin.

"I said repeat after meeee!!!" Chaeryeong said in disappointment. But stops after she realized what Ryujin said.

"What did you just say?" Chaeryeong asked.

"What? Whaat?" Ryujin still didn't know what she just utter.

"You said, you wanted me for the rest of your life." Chaeryeong said, trying to hide her smile.

"Huh? W-what I mean is..." Ryujin stuttering. "Oh shoot!" She finally understands what just happened. "Sorry, I know this isn't right but I think..."

"Stop explaining! I want you too... to be with me!" Chaeryeong cuts off.

"You do?!" Ryujin's heart beats as if it wanted to go out of it's ribcage.


The small house was filled with their laughter.

It stopped when Ryujin's eyes met Chaeryeong's eyes.

"I love you! Not as a friend." Ryujin said, eyes sparkling.

"I love you too! Not as a friend." Chaeryeong said. Smiles from ear to ear.

A sweet kiss follows.

Chaeryeong's Shoulder (One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now