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in the game we see that once you go to lavender town the music get's a bit dark for a pokemon game we later find out that a member from team rocket killed a pokemon that pokemon was a mother to a pokemon named cubone his mother was killed he wear's the skull of his mother. later you find a tower,the tower is a grave-yard,most of the grave's there are ppl from the war which i'll talk about in another book, cubone if you reverse it in a way it say's "cub one." a cub is like a baby what i found is that "cub one" mean's it's just him,no sibling's and no parent's, when you walk more into the tower you encounter a pokemon named "ghost" which is later known to be cubone's mother haunting the tower. in one of the game's the ghost say's "leave,leave this place." as i think it's trying to protect anyone from going in as team rocket made a base there and the ghost doesn't want anyone getting killed by them. overall this i find is really dark to dark of a pokemon game.

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