4~ A Day With Ace

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A year and a half later:

"Oy Y/n wake up. Wake up already it's too late" shouted Ace as he was trying to shake your body to  wake you up  but it was in vain.

After the long ass training you had with paque yesterday, you barely have any energy left .

You groaned when Ace started to pinch your cheeks " wake up lazy head " that earned him a strong punch on the face " AWW THAT HURT LIKE HELL " he put his hands on the place you punched while you began to wake up " that's what you got for pinching my cheeks like that.  And what'd you want anyways, today is my only rest day and I'm willing to spend it in my bed so leave" you throw the covers on your body and tried to go back to sleep.

" Luffy and Sabo left with Dadan and we're all alone for today. I thought you'd like to come with me today so I can show you something amazing" he tried to get you to leave the bed with those words but you didn't move signaling him that you're not interesting " *sigh* fine. How about we spend the day the way you like. I know there's so many places you want to see on this island" now we're talking.

Slowly and carefully. You removed the covers off your body and rubbed your eyes. You get up without saying a word and Ace watched every single move " I want to change my clothes" you took out your outfit and looked at Ace " And?” he was still looking at you. The next thing he knows is that he was thrown outside the room with some sort of freezing wind.

”How did you do that?!” he yelled outside the room while you started to change your clothes "paque learned me. Now wait outside AND THAT'S THE LAST TIME YOU CAN COME IN TO MY ROOM WITHOUT PERMISSION" your loud voice caused the birds to fly away and Ace to almost lose his hearing.

Once you finished dressing up and washing your face. You headed outside to find Ace waiting for you . He throw an apple at you " Luffy finished all the breakfast, eat this real quick" you smiled and thank your old brother before taking a big bite from the big apple.

You walked together in silence till you reached your favorite tree ( where they hide their treasure) " what should we do today little sis . It better not be something girly because if it is .. I'm out" " but it was your idea " " yeah... anyways, what's the plan?” he crossed his arms waiting for your answer which seems to take forever.

" What about we explore the dark cave" you snapped your fingers finally coming out with a good idea " what cave?" But Ace didn't know what are you talking about.

"When I was training with paque, we passed a very big and dark cave. It's down the big hill in the heart of the forest. So what do you say big bro ?" " Sounds like a plan. Alright little sis, lead the way" you jumped in happiness as Ace trailed behind you through the large trees of the wood.

Once you reached the cave, Ace started to examine the place. You asked for help from the spirits to lighten your way inside as your big brother held a torch to help him see better because basically the spirits were only around you .

You found some really interesting wall drawings and writings next to some very breath taking creatures, some very delicious fruits and different rooms. You loved the Ecco of your sound the most but Ace told you how stupid you are which made you cry than calm down shortly after when he sang a very funny song with his terrible voice causing him to blush and you to laugh your butt out. The place was also full of a lot of annoying bats which scared you and irritated Ace , you stayed closer to your big brother but when he asked you why , you played tough and told him it was to protect him if anything happens. Of course he took it as an insult ' are you calling me weak ' or he claimed which led to you fighting all the way to the end of the cave.  You totally forget your fear.

At the end of the cave. There was a dead ending, you shrugged it off and told Ace to finish the day by training or haunting but he kept his eyes glued on a very strange drawing on the walk . It was in a shape of a skull... No, it was a pirates flag.

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