a Misunderstanding: Chapter 1

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Anne looks at herself in the mirror, while smiling from ear to ear. She just kissed Gilbert Blythe! Diana comes into her room with wide eyes, while squealing excitedly. 'Anne, what happened? Why did Gilbert kiss you? Why was he here?' Diana asks Anne, overwhelming her with questions. 'Diana, there are no words to express how I'm feeling right now... Gilbert Blythe is my soulmate!' Anne, still smiling from ear to ear, jumps to her bed and lays on her back. With eyes that are in love, she stares at the ceiling. A million thoughts are racing through her head, and she can't find a way to calm them down. 'I- Gilbert- Diana- I-...' she goes quiet. She breathes in and out a few times, while trying to get her heart beat back to 80 BPM.

'Dear Anne...', Gilbert starts off his letter for Anne, 'I think that there was a misunderstanding. I would love to meet you and the Cuthberts in the next break. We could perhaps clear some things up, don't you think?' Gilbert puts his pen down, and shakes his hands for a moment. He looks up to the clock above his desk, which tells him it's time to go to sleep. He starts college tomorrow, so he needs to be well rested. He slowly walks to his bed, and falls asleep fairly quickly.

Anne wakes up to knocking on her door. 'Anne, wake up! The girls are almost ready to leave!' Anne quickly opens her eyes, after her imagination leaves her be, and she comes back to reality. She walks up to her mirror and starts talking. 'Oh Cordelia, You don't know the amount of happiness I'm feeling right now.' The image of the brown-eyed boy with beautiful curly hair pops up in her brain again. She doesn't even try to hold back the smile that forms on her rosy lips. 'I'm coming Tilly!' She replies, as she throws the blanket off her body. It's time for a new day

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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