Dedicated to @messyhaired_girl

150 21 40

I lean back my head

and gaze up at the sky

endless possibilities

right before my eyes.

The clouds are adrift

making their way past the sun

a tangerine smoothie

swirled up in one!

There's another cloud I see

with a tropical flair

with lemonade frosting

dolloped everywhere!

There are marshmallow puffs

and cotton candy galore

I think I found Heaven's candy store!

An invisible train

takes some clouds for a ride

others are swept away like the ocean's tide.

The colors are everchanging

the formations, a Dreamer's delight

my imagination is racing

what will I see tonight?

Yes, I am a Dreamer

and Mother Earth is the star of my show

it's truly a magical world out there

just open your eyes and let's go!

I am a DreamerWhere stories live. Discover now