- tagged ; 01

67 13 132

hi! this is my first time being tagged (by rain_narii), so here goes...

NAME: well, ika. but my real name is a secret c:

HEIGHT: too short to be making fun of jimin being smol but i do it anyway

WEIGHT: no <3 (that means i couldn't come up with a funny enough response to this)

AGE: the one where we tend to make horribly stupid decisions

ONLINE GIRL FRIENDS: well... a lot, but assuming we're only talking abt on wattpad: mei, nana, daisy, ren, nari, channie, yuvi, abbie, ara, iris... the list goes on, my gosh

ONLINE GUY FRIENDS: none on wattpad, but quite a few on discord

LAST HUG: don't remember

CRUSH: assuming we're not counting bts/idols/people i have absolutely no chance with: a grand total of two.

EVER FALLEN IN LOVE: i'm an army

FAVORITE FOOD: omg. TAMARIND RICE i will sell my SOUL for tamarind rice like if you give me a bowl of tamarind rice i love you to the ends of the earth and for forever hugs kisses hearts

FAVORITE COLOR: i have this weird thing for the color teal omg

WHO TEXTED YOU LAST: on wattpad? it was abbie, but if we're talking in general, then it was mei over tumblr

LONGEST RELATIONSHIP: i've been something to someone since the moment i was born, no? XD

BATTERY PERCENTAGE: 27% *laughs nervously*

EYE COLOR: black but they say black isn't a real eye color or something so go figure

ADDICTION: music. like, not just kpop but any music. i'll start to totally lose myself in it and just slip into that world and forget everything else around me... yeah i sound like a weirdo lmao 

FAVORITE ANIMAL: whaaaat do i have to choose? :( i can't but when i was a kid i had this humongous obsession with horses. i kid you not i owned every single horse figurine known to mankind. it was insane omg

FAVORITE BAND: i'm an army

EVER HAD A PIERCING: on my ears! in india girls get their ears pierced super young, so when i was 11 months old i got my ears pierced with a needle. it is as painful as it sounds, but i couldn't tell you since i don't remember :P

EVER SANG IN THE SHOWER: omg, all the time. literally, each time. this is what drives my family mad-

ONE WISH: happiness

COUNTRY YOU LIVE IN: the one where education is a scam and racism is a personality trait

BEST TIME OF YOUR LIFE: the day i sat down to watch the first episode of run bts

PETS: um... does a little sister count?

PLAN TO GET MARRIED: i mean, if i can find a guy good enough for me then sure

FIRST KISS: assuming we're talking abt romantic kisses, y'all are getting too ahead of yourselves here :P

INSECURE: bye- the way i was about to type a whole essay for this-

EVER SELF HARMED: no, too much of a coward rip

WHO DO YOU LOVE: the mirror is over there

MISS ANYONE RIGHT NOW: all the online friends i've made.... like i really wanna meet y'all irl and give you hugs and laugh with you and chat abt life and vibe

HAIR COLOR: black but not more so than my soul

RELATIONSHIP STATUS: boys are kinda gross

LAST SONG I LISTENED TO: film out... it's so beautiful oh lord i'm actually listening to it right now 


BIGGEST FEAR: being left alone.

BELIEVE IN GHOSTS: no... but horror movies jskmdhfsdj i will not watch a horror movie unless i'm sandwiched between two people on either side, and even then it takes 24783478592 hours of convincing me

BEEN DEPRESSED: well idk bc i've never been diagnosed and i like to think of myself as a happy person but things haven't been so good lately ig

FELT LONELY: only when i'm not on wattpad/tumblr because you guys make me feel valued and loved and i love you

CHANGED CLOTHES IN A CAR: nah never done that

SOMETHING YOU HATE: hypocrites, & people who try and justify their actions even though they know what they did was 100% not right.


OPINION ON SECOND CHANCES: as someone who has benefited from having been given a second chance, i think they're really important. a second chance can change a person so i do tend to give them but like... if you screw me over a third time, bye


SLEEP WITH THE DOOR OPEN OR CLOSED: my whole family sleeps in the same room and my mom has this paranoid fear that someone's gonna break in so we keep the door open lmao

TAG 25 PEOPLE: i spent 10 mins thinking about if i know that many people or not but here:


i barely made it oh lord-

so that's it! i hope you learned more about me c: thank you for reading!

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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