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Just a short story, hope you remember it:)

I've been dancing ever since I remember myself breathing, a very cliche sentence I know.
So I got my very first "best dancer of the institute trophy" couple of years back, not even expecting it at all, cause there were other girls I thought were more deserving. I was an overjoyed tiny champion, showing the trophy to my mom, she had tears, a heartfelt smile and all good good.
Years passed, and we filled our studio with a lot many trophies and achievements. 
As a grown up girl, I've received a lot of comments from my mentors saying my dance has improved a lot. Maybe it did, cause I feel happy after dancing.

Recently I was teaching this little kid a very basic step at our academy, her mom who was watching us for sometime shows up and tells me that "you've got dancing embedded in your blood, child". I was delighted to hear that, that I unconsciously just spit the whole happiness in front of my dad. And then he says, "maybe now you've started completely living it."

and that my friend, I think is the "best dancer" trophy every dancer should get! 

and yeah I showed this trophy to my mom too, just incase you wanna know:)

~thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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