Warm and alone

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Subaru was...confused, and scared. But he couldn't admit that he was scared, so he was confused. Just a moment ago, he'd been running through the forest with his friends in Hokkaido japan. He saw a flash of white, and boom, all alone in an entirely different forest. The boy observed his surroundings, it was like nothing he'd ever seen before.

The thin and new trees that he was used to were no more, replaced by thick trunks of wood that scraped the sky. The biggest trees in japan were the smallest in this forest, wherever it may be. The slightly dilute colours that Subaru was used to were also gone now, replaced by vibrant greens and browns like some kind of book. This forest was like a fantasy, had he not been taken against his will he'd probably love it here.

Taken against his will... even if he didn't know it, there were greater reasons for his sudden transportation. The boy looked at his feet, he was still wearing exactly what he was wearing before, so the world had changed, not him is what he assumed. His gaze switched back to his surroundings, his friends? where were they? he'd been running with them near the rickety old bridge. If he was here, maybe they were too?

Another thing stuck out to Subaru; the temperature. It'd been winter in Japan, not summer, yet the air was warm here. Just what was going on? it was like absolutely everything changed except him, he'd never experienced anything like this before.

He had to pause to take in everything for a few seconds: he was absolutely alone in some unknown forest, in somewhere he didn't know. He couldn't help but feel scared at his new situation, falling to his knees. For the first time in a while, Subaru began to cry. His father was incredible, he wanted to see him now, he'd be able to help and he'd know what to do...right?

Subaru had never even once doubted his father's abilities, every time the two fought in the mornings Kenichi would win and Subaru wouldn't even come close. Every time he saw someone on the street, they were happy to see him, every time things didn't go his way he fixed it. Subaru's goal was to be like that one day.

He wasn't strong like that though, he was just a little kid, how could he not be upset? He just wanted to see his friends again, and his parents, and his room and everything else he knew. Instead he was stuck somewhere he didn't know, rubbing his eyes free of tears with very little success.


Emilia was bored. Every week on the 3rd day, Mother Fortuna would leave her alone for a few hours with absolutely nothing to do. There were paints and toys there, but she'd already done that a million times. Doing the same thing every day was boring, she wanted something new.

Well, there was one thing... Listening carefully to make sure Fortuna was gone, she crawled along to one of the walls of the nursery, moving her hand across one of the stones. She wedged her fingers in the side, and the rock came loose! this was something she'd discovered a few weeks ago. Sliding the stone to the side and leaning it against the wall, she squeezed into the hole it left.

After a few seconds of crawling, a rock was freed from the other side of the wall. Light poured into the little half elf girl's purple eyes. yes! freedom!
"ha, escape"
Emilia looked around to the front of the building, just checking that she hadn't been caught again, before sliding down the familiar hill at the nursery's side with a small "weee". Already she'd gotten a little bit of mud on her clothes, she'd have to be back quickly if she wanted to clear it off. If the elders found out about her escapes they'd seal the hole for sure.

"sneak sneak sneak, sneak sneak sneak"
The girl mumbled to herself as she moved, she passed through the bushes, waiting for a carriage to pass before she crossed the nearby path it rode in on. Emilia knew pretty well who that carriage belonged to, Juice and the other people were visiting, so she'd have gifts soon.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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