its a one shot yeahhhh

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this isn't edited like at all )

The spirit flickers within the hearts of the people of Mondstat. The birds sung as they fly towards the piles of dandelion seeds thrown by the children of freedom. The smiling graces of every citizen that passes by, earning a smile for the price for a Cecilia. On the special Windblume Festivals they'd gather near their dear Barbatos in jubilee. Thanking their humble divine for yet another marvelous year, for after those dreadful times nearly ten years ago where the protecter of Mondstat had terrorized the people. Leaving shock and horror, until Traveller. Traveller was the Honorable Knight and had saved them from disaster although over all the fates of Teyvat. Whom the Traveller had saved they made a mistake. They had commented on Sir Albedos art skills. Then where there was once the flaming hopes of Mondstat extinguished to mere flakes of dust from that pure moment. Albedo only became more curious of this power he had, no longer restricted by his mind. We had all went from sitting in Angels Share, enjoying ourselves to a degree. To him leaving his childhood friends, locking himself in the confines of his lab. Nothing could have got him too leave, when I had visited all I heard was maniacal laughter. It was too horrifying, Oh Archons. A better way to feed this story to you...

He had realized nearly a year later, asking the Traveller for them to protect Mondstat if he ever were to fall into his mania. In the meantime Albedo has slowly began to seclude himself more and more of the place he once called home. Once the smiles once turned to the frown of his assistant Sucrose asking if he was okay. The cheering and laughter that engulfed the walls of Angels Share turned to the succumbing sound of nothingness, the coldness hollowing out almost every sound. The loudest screeching and yelling was drowned by the cold. Many thought he had been dead before he had done what he had did. No one had seen him in years. Nor did he want to see anyone else.

It had hurt to comfort Sucrose as she sobbed in my arms, as I being an old friend to him I knew how it had felt to feel the ache of his absence. How a small chuckle had brightened the room, it was almost celestial how it was before him. If I keep talking nonsense about the stars I will end like the Brilliant Astrologer Mona. Whom visited him nearly as much of Sucrose. Though it was only mandatory for Sucrose no matter how it killed her to see him look so fowl, so horribly drained; a carcass. She had tried to help him by asking if he was wanted help with alchemy then if he was okay, or if he wanted help. Albedo always had answered no. And when Sucrose had finally grown some confidence to tell him that he needs help he overpowered her with anger. And all together their friendship began to fade and Sucrose began looking for a job as a head Alchemist. Albedo believed he had done one thing right and that was teaching Sucrose everything she needed to know, even the despair of alchemy.

Sucrose though was not the only one who began to try and help him. The sobbing within her lab, her stuffy nose and puffy eyes usually caught the attention especially the ones who knew this was not her character. They began to also visit, first was Jean, then was Kaeya and I, then was Mona, and once Klee found out. No one dared to wonder what happened and to see what he had done to Klee. Klee had sought off to Dragonspine.  Everyone had assumed she had froze herself out of cluelessness of the biome. Although she had sat in Albedos office although she was only incased in Geo. She had passed, but Albedo was sane enough to savor his once sisters remains. He had been so crazed, she would walk circles in his office sobbing, screaming, yelling. Wishing he remembered the face of her Father, even just Klee's Mother. Klee had always wanted to make her parents proud. Albedo had nearly created and killed a militia of inaccurate clones  of Klees parents but none of them were right. None of them were real, and he wished only for him to be able to make her dream come true before she died. To have her Mother and Fathers love.

Years and years had passed and it was no longer or worth to try anymore. To Albedo he no longer saw faces staring back at him, he simply could no longer remember the curve of the nose of how big or small the eyes were. He had not seen a face in so long that he was forgetting what one looked like. He refused to look in the mirror, he saw himself a monster and refused to glare back at his vile form. He avoided any reflections. The art of khemia drove him insane, and there was no one in abyss of the cold. He was secluded and no one could save him from his insanity. One day he had plugged his ears with wax and walked towards Mondstat, he avoided being seen. His ears nearly burst from the sound, he had became so accustomed to his life in Dragonspine. He avoided being seen and set camp underneath a cliffside, he set up his easel and painted the horrors of his twisted mind. He painted all the Monsters of his mind and making them real. The monsters that terrorized left his crazed mind, he power surged through his veins making him hit euphoria. He screamed and smiled as his face was wet from his thawed tears finally melting off his face and the tears of joy as he heard the screaming and despair echoing across Mondstat. He might've been able to hear all the way from Drangonspine.

The glee overflowed his mind, flushing all the concerns out. What about Kaeya, and me? His childhood friends, his dear apprentice Sucrose. All of these things left his mind and swam from his head and lost in his screams as these monsters attacked the people o Mondstat. The city where the place sparkled in freedom and glee, now filled with despair as the screams begged to be saved. I watched as the people were sensibly slaughtered before my eyes but the flames of hope couldn't save them all. Including Kaeya, in this moment I realized in this hate I had for years was useless. Kaeya had not done anything, He has snapped at me but there was no denying he had shown me kindness. In those moments I could not find a reason to hate him longer. All this energy I put into loathing him, was for nothing. In all the disaster that incased the city where the winds sung in hope to this wasteland. I had to find Kaeya, so I fought these monsters, I tried to run but I couldn't. There was no way I could save them all. So I had to run, till this day it is my biggest regret. I should've died with Kaeya and Jean. We had trained together as children, and now? I am the only survivor.

It was another day, sitting at Kaeya's grave. Was there a way i could've saved everyone, or at least saved Kaeya. He shouldn't have died, I wish I was the one who had died with that regret. I never told him that he meant something to me, as I brother I neglected him. He gave me my vision back, and showed kindness to my hostility. At least he died without the burden of knowing he had failed. Kaeya will never know that I wished for his forgiveness; to be brothers once again. I cried, as it was selfish of me to do so. If anyone had earned that life, it was Kaeya and not me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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