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That summer. i recall everything, the trees, the sun and the most important of all, her.
Belle. This girl, so pretty, average height for a 15 year old, dirty blonde with the loveliest viridescent eyes. Her smile lit up my world. But all that changed when i developed feelings for her, i couldn't bare the rejection. I mean i'm known as...you know, the typical 'nerd'. So i did something i never thought i would've done, something my father did which i had never forgiven him for. I hurt her. she was the most innocent soul and i bashed it until she couldn't take it anymore, she left me, for this...guy. Lucas. His name was Lucas. I hated him. He had blonde hair and he was tall, he had a good sense of style. I watched as he stole her heart in ways no man could've ever done. I watched everyday as they became closer, and closer, and closer. Until, they obviously started dating. It was only then it hit me, i treated her wrong, i HURT her, i made her suffer through an antagonising pain, I had done that. I had messed it up. So i dropped out. I couldn't bare seeing her with someone else knowing it was only my fault that our friendship had ended. I couldn't bare knowing that she was happier without me. Everytime i glanced over to her direction as i sat under the sakura tree i saw she was happier with Lucas then with me. Every time she had looked back at me her eyes only filled with rage and anger. I knew there was no fixing the mistakes i had made. There was no going back. I left.

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