Chapter 1

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Mai's POV

When I was walking to work, I looked at my watch and saw that I was late for work... Again. I started to sprint to the SPR building and when I got to the building's front door I stopped so I could catch my breath. My breathing went back to normal after a few minutes and I walked through the front door. I started to hear voices behind the SPR door and knowing how Naru works it was most likely a possible client. I slowly opened the door, trying to be as quiet as possible so Naru didn't yell at me for being late and for disturbing him the possible client. That is when I saw someone I never thought in a million years I would see again... My old friend Michael Afton. He was talking hysterically to Naru in a very frantic voice and looked like he could burst into tears at any moment. It hurt me to see someone I know for so long sink so low... I pitied him. When I closed the office door it made a clinking sound and everyone in the room turned their heads and looked at me. When I turned to Michael I could see in his eyes that he was surprised to see me and after all these years. I turn the Naru and Lin to see that they had turned their heads back to what they were doing. I look back at Michael to see that he is still in awe that I am here in front of him, he was about to say something to me when I put my index finger to my mouth to signal to Michael that so should act like we didn't know each other. A few minutes later Michael nods his head sadly to signal that he understood what I had done, but I could see that he wanted to talk to me. I turn to head to my office and sat down in my chair. After a few minutes of doing paperwork, I got up to make Naru and me some tea because I knew that he would be upset about me being late for work again. I exited my office to see that Michael had continued to tell Naru and Lin about his ghost problem. I proceeded to walk to the small kitchen and start the boil the water. A few minutes later I hear the water whistle and I took the kettle off the stove and continued to make the tea. I walk to Naru and Lin and hand them their cups of tea and slowly I walk over to Michael and hand him a cup of tea, he said thank you and I retreated out of the room back to my office. An hour or so past and I could hear rustling and then a door shut. I presume that Michael had left the office. Then I hear Naru on the phone saying "I accepted Mr. Afton's case so call the others and pack for 2 weeks." I started to get a pit in my stomach and it continued to grow. Naru opened my office door and said "Mai we have a case, we leave in 3 days." All I could do at that moment is nod my head even though I didn't want to go on the case.

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