Wrath Of The Siren King

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Co-written by 12112685a

The sun glared down on the Axle City beach, where two young trucks were relaxing while on their date.

It had been a few months since Crusher's secret had been revealed. Everyone was surprised but accepting nonetheless. Pickle was the most surprised but he loved and accepted the other as well.

At the moment, Pickle laughed as Crusher spoke gently melodies into the wind, his voice causing some of their picnic to float in the air in icy blue magic.

"Wow, Crusher! Who would've thought your siren magic was so amazing!" Pickle giggled, his smile beaming below the moonlight.

"Thanks, Pickle," Crusher said, smiling as he set their food down. "I still can't believe my secret's out and you... you still love me,"

"I'll always love you, Crusher," Pickle held his tire, a small blush on his cheeks. "Siren or not,"

"I'll always love you too" Crusher felt his face heat up as he got closer. "Nothing, I mean NOTHING could ever ruin this moment."

The two moved closer to one another and was just about to kiss when a shadow towered over them and a deep, angry voice boomed out.


Crusher tensed up at the familiar voice while Pickle blinked in confusion. They turned to find a tiger shark emerge from the water, it's eyes glowing red as an older siren man sat on it's back, eyes piercing at the dark blue truck with a glare that could kill.


"Father?!" Pickle stared at his boyfriend and back at the siren in shock. "Crusher, what's going on?"

"Pickle, I can explain---"

"Enough of this!" the siren snarled and took out a long, sharp staff from out of nowhere. "Crescento, you are to come with me! Now!"

"Father, no!!" Crusher shook his head glared up at the other. Pickle hid behind him, not wanting to be in the family conflict but still willing to be with Crusher in case he needed help.

"Yes!" the siren snarled. "Now, come!"

The siren lifted his staff and released a spell through a song. The melody blew with the wind, towards the duo. Crusher covered his ears to prevent him from hearing, but Pickle wasn't so lucky. He got caught in the spell, his eyes turning red as he made his way forward.

Crusher gasped. "Pickle, no!!"

Crusher was too hasty and removed his tires from his ears. The melody reached him, causing him to be caught in the spell and drive forward. Both stopped in front of the siren, who smirked in victor.

"Ha! You are both coming home with me!" He moved his staff as he sang another spell. The spell caused a swirl around him and the duo before they all disappeared in a blast of wind, causing it to blow the whole picnic into a wreck.

Meanwhile, Blaze and AJ were on a nightly drive by the bay. As they did, they spotted an empty picnic basket carried off by the wind. They stopped in their tracks.

"Huh? How did this mess end up here?" AJ wondered. "And... what're those?"

Blaze drove over to see tire tracks heading to the water. He narrowed his eyes at them. "Tire tracks... Crusher and Pickle's, to be exact."

"But... why are they heading to the water?" AJ asked, dismounting from the driver's seat. "They wouldn't just leave their picnic in a mess,"

"Good point," Blaze said. "We better call the others, and see if we can get to the bottom of this."

Wrath Of The Siren King (BATMM Siren AU Sequel One-shot)Where stories live. Discover now