Blyck | Chapter 1

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Fish, a delicious seafood that is eaten across the world. Salmon, tuna, barramundi and bass are common, but there are rarer seafoods such as clams, lobsters and whales. In this world, fish were caught to eat, they were caught to sell, in fact they were caught to live. Over years of catching fish, humans started to experiment, trying to create new types of mutated creatures that could sell more money. All of a sudden, the sea was not as peaceful as it seemed to be years back, shadows lurked in the depths of the sea and dangers formed. Fire spitting seagulls, whales capable of creating huge whirlpools of water that would suck in everything near like a huge black hole in the middle of a house. This was a new era, a new beginning, or a new world. This is the Fisherman's Quest.


"Food, please give me some food. Food, I need food. Someone, please I'm dying..." 

"Child why are you here, you should not give up, this world is full of wonders waiting for you to discover."

"How is it possible to adventure if I have barely anything, in fact I have nothing."

"Follow your dreams and you will find your destiny."

"But, but..." "You must find your destiny..."

"Wait, who are you, don't go! Please..."

Blyck stood up and looked around, but the strange man was gone along with his far-away voice. All that was left of him was a fishing in Blyck's grubby hands. As soon as Blyck's eyes saw the rod, they flickered with golden light. He pinched himself hard on the arm and yelped in pain. In this world, a fishing rod was among the most useful things and it was very, very expensive. After all every town on the planet Kyron due to the melting of ice and snow, the water soon covered every single piece of land forcing the human race to retreat onto technologically advanced islands. Also because of the water covering towns and cities, many valuable items such as staff, skill books and jewels all ended up floating around the sea. Blyck was wordless, as should be. Hope, HOPE it was all he needed, in other words, a kick start. I wonder what I will collect from fishing...

When Blyck arrived at the fishing pier, there were two guards standing outside the entrance. Those two guards were very familiar with Blyck and raised their thick eyebrows when Blyck, walking with his head held high came towards them. "Grunt. Look, kid you know well enough that you cannot co..."

"Excuse me kind sir, but I have a rod so I should be allowed to go into the fishing pier to test my luck!" The guards stared at Blyck's plain fishing rod with disbelief, but they still stepped aside and let him in. "With that normal rod, you won't be able to catch anything with that junk." "We'll see about that..."

It's been two hours and all I've caught is patches of seaweed and a rubber shoe. Blyck had been fishing for over two hours and still had no luck. Maybe the more expensive fishing rods and the expensive knot tying methods are actually more useful than I thought. Blyck suddenly felt a jolt of power come from the fishing rod that might have almost pulled his bones out of their sockets. His body started to slide forward towards to deep, abyssal sea. He tried his hardest to keep a good grip on the rod pulling it back into a very tight curve that arched high up into the sky. He finally used all his strength into his rod pulling it backwards. "Crack!" The wooden neck of the rod snapped into two big halves and dropped into the water leaving the other half of the poor fishing rod in Blyck's sweaty hands. Time seemed to freeze as he looked at the half rod in his hands. "No, this can't be, my first rod, broken! No no no, this can't have happened..."

In the air above Blyck, a glass bottle bottle came flying out of no where, heavily falling onto Blyck's already sore head with a hollow, donk! "Owww, what was that?!" Blyck picked up the bottle from the wooden floor of the bridge. He saw that there was a tiny slip of paper in the bottle and took it out. Opening it the note had a few sentences of cursive writing on it:

 <<Fishing Rod Knot Tying Tactic>>

Rank : <<Celestial>>

Luck : <<???>>

Strength : <<???>>

Description : <<???>>

How to use : <<...............................>>

"Is this a joke, there is no such rank as Celestial. There is only bronze, silver, gold and diamond. What is this?" Blyck paused to re-read the note again to see if he had misread the text. "I didn't read anything wrong, well I might as well try... wait I just got scammed of my fishing rod, how am I supposed to fish now?" Suddenly a sly idea popped up into Blyck's head. He took the note and stuffed it in his baggy pocket and took a piece of paper from a near by poster and put it in the bottle. Then he walked out of the gates looking very smug, when the guards saw what was in his hands, their eyes almost popped out of their sockets. 

"H-How did y-you, f-f-find a technic?!! That was only a basic rod you fished with! Could I p-please see it?" Blyck shook his head looking at the disappointed expression forming on the guard's face. Then he suddenly nodded and asked, "Would you trade this bottle and technic for 10 gold coins?" The guard instantly nodded because ten gold coins was only a tiny amount in Kyron and was only used for buying the lowest of the low of fishing rods. The exchange was made and Blyck ran off with a sneaky smile on his face. "I shouldn't ever come back to this particular pier ever again!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2021 ⏰

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