The Soundless Flower

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Mafuyu pov

I tap Uenoyama on the shoulder drawing his attention away from his phone where he was watching some sort of music video.

"Uenoyama-kun? What are you watching?" I ask him curiously looking over to the now paused video of a girl with flowers woven into long brown hair playing the violin in the park that was just two blocks down from where they were now. Uenoyama looked up at me and smiled gently pointing to the girl.

"This girl, has been all over the internet lately. Her YouTube channel is called Soundless Flower. She plays almost any type of song that is requested in the comments which happens to be a lot. Here take an earbud." Uenoyama said handing one of the earbuds to me. Once I was ready Uenoyama started the video up again. I watched in amazement as the girls fingers glided along the strings of her violin. Every now and then her arm would retract and the notes would get really high. Her other hand was holding the bow or at least, I think that was what it was called, was moving so quickly it was hard to track.

When the video ended I took the earbud out and turned to Uenoyama.

"That was a really cool song. What was the name of it?" I asked him as the two of us continued walking to school.

"That wasn't a song...she was just improvising. The title of this video is just labeled as, 'Improvising' and the description is asking the viewers to tell her how it sounded." Uenoyama noted reading the description. I nodded but was still confused, the way the girl had played the strings with such skill hadn't looked like improvising it looked like she was playing a song that just didn't have a name yet. 

Class began and I sat through my classes every now and then glancing up at the clock to see how long until lunch.

Shizukesa pov

I stare down at the worksheet before me. My eyes were glued onto a single problem. The numbers started to shift around in my brain making it nearly impossible to read and understand. I look back up to my mother who gently took the work sheet away from me scribbling something underneath the problem. When she handed it back to me there were music notes. The time signature was there as well. I smiled at the paper looking closely at the way the time signature and measures were written. I then glance back up to the math question. It read the same thing but since one was translated into music I understood it better. My hands picked up the pencil and I quickly scratched the answer onto the paper handing it back to my mother who gave me a pat on the back. 

This went on for about 20 more minutes until it was lunch time. My mom handed me a bento box and raised her hands up to me before forming words with her hands.

"I have some work to attend to for the rest of the day. Why don't you go outside and eat, you can play the violin after you've finished your food." she signed to me before giving me a pat on the shoulder and heading to the door opening it for me as I grabbed my violin case and smiled at her thanking her with my eyes. Sure I could speak just fine but the thought of not hearing my own words had the same sensation of drowning in a pool of water. It felt the same when I played the violin, I couldn't hear a thing and it was horrible, for the first year after loosing my hearing I couldn't keep my cool with anyone. The odd emptiness that filled my once joyful violin was no where to be heard. I could only image the sound of something as I played soundless notes.

I walk down the sidewalk holding my case and bento box. The park was only a block away from my house so it was a quick walk. A few school girls passed me laughing and talking. One of them glanced towards me and then to my violin case before stopping in her tracks making her friend stop as well. The girl turned to me and smiled before speaking words I couldn't hear. I was able to make out a few of the school girls words by watching her mouth closely but they barely made any sense.

Violin. Line. Aggravating.

Then again I think I was only able to track one word. I turn away and whisper,

"Sorry, I need to be somewhere." hoping that it was a proper response to the words the girl has spoken. Apparently it wasn't for the two girls looked at me with a weird expression as I walked quickly passed them.

Time Skip After School

Uenoyama pov

Me and Sato left school heading to practice. Sato had that odd empty expression. Well it wasn't empty but wasn't really THERE in the moment. He was probably somewhere off in his mind. I poke his shoulder making him turn his head towards me.

"What you thinking about?" I ask him. He shrugs a bit and was about to respond when a sharp sound cut into the calm atmosphere. Well scratch that, the sound was sharp but oddly comforting. It didn't take away from the afternoon atmosphere but somehow added to it. I turn my head in the direction of the sound, so does Sato. We narrow our eyes at the entrance to the park. 

"Is it the violin girl from the video?" Sato questioned walking over to the entrance of the park. I followed him in as the two of us walked towards the sound of light hearted but fierce music. We came to a park bench where a violin case was laying have open by one of the lock latches that were used to close the case and keep it so the instrument didn't fall out. I lift my head up to see a brown haired girl, the long locks of brown had white flower pins strung into her hair making her blend in with the flowers and trees in the park. She was wearing a uniform I had never seen before which made me wonder if she was from around here or not. Her head turned towards us eyes making contact with mine. She smiled before continuing to play the song. This had to be the girl from YouTube that was going viral. She was even more talented in person. 

When she finished the girl turned to me and Sato before smiling gently before turning back around about to begin a new song.

"Wait, are you the Soundless Flower?" I call out to her but she doesn't respond. She either didn't hear me over the first notes of her new song or I was being stupid and not speaking loud enough. I say it again.

"Uh, are you The Soundless Flower on YouTube?" I ask yet again for the same response. She had started up a new song and was playing it with the same spirit as the last one. She turned her head and I asked once more.

"Hey, are you the soundless flower?" I asked her. She saw me this time and stopped played lowering her violin and looking at me.

"So uh are you the soundless flower?" I asked for like the fifth time almost feeling dumb for trying again. She smiled at me and nodded after a minute before turning around and beginning to play again. I was about to ask her name when Sato tapped me from behind saying we'd be late for practice. I turn away from the brown haired girl and follow Sato out of the park.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2021 ⏰

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