1: Y/n's Backstory

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Y/n's Point of View (PoV)

Every person in the city i lived in was called to meet in a particular area. My dad picked up Sonya and Newt, Newt went on dad's shoulders and he carried Sonya. Our mum carried me, she put me on her shoulders so I could be the same height as Newt. But, Newt was still taller than me. Mum and Dad were walking, holding hands. So, that allowed me and Newt to reach for eachothers hands and clasp our hands together. We only just reached eachothers hands. (Y/n and Newt holding hands)

At the minute, there was a deadly virus going around, taking out most of our population

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At the minute, there was a deadly virus going around, taking out most of our population. So, everyone who was alive had to meet where they were assigned to meet and the children who were immune were taken away. Me, Sonya and Newt hadn't got the virus so we were said to be immune.

Once, I think her name was Ava Paige started speaking. Three men came over to us and secretly took me and Newt, whilst Sonya, dad and mom were watching the video of people dying and our world chaos. I tried to scream but it came out a muffled inaudible sound. They took us away from our parents. I don't know if they took Sonya after us or not. But they took us away from our family. They put us in the back of a helicopter and told us to keep quiet. We were shaking, we were really scared, so of course we did. I mean I was only 5 and Newt was only 6.

We had been sat in the helicopter holding hands, shivering, shaking scared for our lives. Then we heard the sound of our mother shouting and crying, "WHERE'S MY BABIES!?" She cried. I could hear 8 year old, Sonya's cries and my father's hushes. "I won't let anything happen to you Y/n, and no matter what, I'll wont ever forget you, I promise." Newt whispered into my ear.

The helicopter slowly rose from the ground and flew off, as our mothers screams echoed. "Hey! Where are we going?!" Newt shouted. Suddenly, we felt needles in our necks. We turned to our necks to see a tranquilizer dart. My eyes felt heavy and when I looked at Newt, his eyes were fluttering shut and his grip on my hand was slipping away. My eyes fluttered shut.

When I woke up, I was strapped to a chair in a science lab, as if I were just an experiment. I felt a twinge of pain in my arm. When I looked down it was a needle taking my blood. "What are you doing? Where's my brother!?" I screamed. "He's fine." The doctor/scientist said, reassuring me.

During the years I was stuck there, they ran many tests on me, I'd come out covered in cuts or bruises. I even had to fight boys at the age of 7. I've been stuck here since I was five, I'm now 14. I turn 15 next month. Newt got sent of somewhere three years ago, he was sent away when he was 13, so he must be 16 now. I haven't heard nor seen him since last year. I'm worried, what if they killed him.

I don't even know where my big brother went.

I walked into the cafeteria and picked up a tray. The dinner lady put the food on my plate. I picked up a juice box and walked off to an empty table. I dropped my tray as it clattered on the table. I sat on the seat and stared at the door, hoping Newt would walk through that door and come and hug me.

I stared at the door the entire lunch. Yet, still a no show. I refused to leave the cafeteria until my brother walked through that door, I fought the guards knocking a few out, but they sent a whole bunch and I could fight over 40 W.I.C.K.E.D men on my own. Four guards dragged me out the cafeteria and threw me back in the room I usually stayed in. It was a different doctor this time. A boy, who looks the age of 16, with sandy brown hair and electric blue eyes. "Hello Y/n." The teenager said, in his white doctors jacket, that said WCKD on it. "Who the hell are you?" I asked, coldly. "Oh right, my name's Thomas." The teenager, Thomas chuckled. "All I want to know is, where the fuck my brother is." I coldly, spoke, harshly. "I'm sorry but who is your brother?" Thomas asked. "Newt, his name's Newt." I said. Thomas' eyes widened when I said my brothers name.

"Hes in the Group A maze." Thomas shook his head and said. "Bring me to him please." I said. "I can't, you belong to Group B, Newt belongs to Group A." Thomas said. "I SAID BRING ME TO HIM!" I shouted as I reached for him a grabbed him by his throat. Two guards rushed in a pulled me off of Thomas. "YOU FUCKING ARSEHOLE! I'LL KILL YOU WHEN I GET OUT IF YOU DON'T TAKE ME TO MY BROTHER!" I screamed as they dragged me out the room.

After that day, I never saw that doctor again. It's as if Thomas just died in the middle of the night. Maybe I gave him a heart attack. You never know. Or maybe he went to whatever this Group A and Group B bullshit is.

A month passed, it was my 16th birthday today. I miss him. I wish my brother was here so he could wish me a happy birthday. But, he's gone and there's nothing I can do about it. I've had three birthdays without him, yet I'm still unsure on how to have my birthday without him. It doesn't feel like my birthday.

Ava Paige said she had a surprise for me today, and she was taking me somewhere, so I got changed into just some simple clothes from the closet they gave me. A baby blue hoodie and some leggings.

First, I was taken into the room I'm usually in. The doctor jabbed me with a drug that made me fall asleep.

When I woke up, I was drowning, I was put in water. I couldn't remember a thing. Not even my own name. I tried to say something but it was water so, it just came out as a gurgling noise. I started hitting the acrylic glass as hard as I could, my hands started to bleed, but there must have been ten layers of that shit, because I could not get through it. I was drowning, so I knew I was going to die, I mean drowning does kill you so, yeah.

When I started running out of breath, the bottom opened and I just fell.

I landed on my butt on a hard, cold flooring. It felt like metal. I couldn't see anything because there were no lights or anything it was just pitch black. I just stayed still for a while, nothing amazing happened. Well, nothing happened at all. The doors opened and a bright light happened. My eyes clenched shut and I shielded my eyes with my hands. Something sharp went into my neck. I felt tired, sleepy. Almost as if I was going to faint. I then fell onto my side, my eyes were shut. I was probably snoring slightly but Nevermind that, I'm kidding I dont even know if I snore if I'm being honest.

There was something slotted into my hand.

The elevator, box started moving, yet I still slept through it.

When I regained consciousness, there was a loud bang, noise. I heard the voice of teenage girl, "Why the fuck is the green bean alarm going off, Aris was the last one." The doors on the box opened and somebody jumped in. "Hey, stay the fuck away." I shot up. The girl came closer to me so I punched her and then pushed her away from me.

I got out the box and ran for my life. "Oh, have we got a runner!?" One of the girl's behind me shouted. I was surrounded by a huge grey wall and four entrances. I ran to the closest one but I was stopped by a boy. "Hey don't go any closer to that entrance please.." The boy said. "My name's Aris, I'm the only boy here, and I was like you last month. I didn't know what was happening nor what my name was." Aris said. "Y/n." I said. "Y/n?" Aris questioned. "It's my name, Y/n." I said

And this is the situation I'm in now.

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