Chapter 1

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Lydia climbed up the rocky wall, grasping for anything she could hold onto. Her dress was ripped, and her hair probably looked like she has lost a fight with a wild bear. Well she did, but she definitely did not lose, or else she wouldn't be climbing this massive mountain right now. Lyd had never really been close to her family, and she didn't have much friends. Thats why she's out here right now. Lydia ran away. The reason she ran away is mostly because of her brother Jacob. Jacob was being really mean this morning, and he was calling her awful names that she doesn't want to repeat. Lyd finally reached a point where she could take a break. She grabbed her dress so she doesn't trip and sat down. "ewww" Lyd said. She must have cut her hand somewhere cause it was bleeding everywhere. Lyd yawned. "im so tired" She layed down on the rock and fell asleep.

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