Back to the Surf

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Story Created: 4/7/21

1:18 P.M. – Malibu University

It was a Friday afternoon at the Malibu University campus. Sam and Clover were both finishing shifts at the Mali-U café.

"Well, I got Surf-ology after my shift is over in twelve minutes," Clover told Sam after she'd checked her watch.

"And my day will be complete after that," Sam replied. "Maybe I'll head to the beach, too – maybe I can get another try at surfing in."

"You killed it the first time, Sammy," Clover quipped.

"Obviously, the hoverboards sure helped out," Sam went on, not loud enough for other customers – or Virgil for that matter – to hear.

She then checked her watch, too; Nick, Alex, and Britney were in class themselves; Mat was holding the fort back at their penthouse watching an episode of Jeopardy! since it was on a little earlier than usual today. Blaine was also getting set for beach volleyball practice as well.

"Maybe the others are getting out of class soon," Sam told Clover.

"Hope so," Clover quipped when they finished their shifts and clocked out.

Sam and Clover got on their phones to text the rest of the spy friends that they were both heading to the Mali-U Beach. However, something caught Sam's eye via a text from Nick.

"Oh... Haruka's in town," Sam told Clover.

Nick texted the group a selfie of him and Haruka on the sidewalk.

"First time we've seen her since Christmas," Clover remarked.

With that, Sam and Clover headed down to the Mali-U Beach so Clover could get to Surf-ology, and Sam could enjoy another surf session. A text came in from Mat saying that he was heading to the Mali-U Beach as well.

1:29 P.M. – Mali-U Beach

Clover got to her Surf-ology class just in time while Sam just relaxed at a good spot on the beach. While Clover had on her blue wetsuit for Surf-ology, Sam elected on her old green swimsuit again.

"Looking forward to seeing Haruka again," Sam told herself.

Shortly after starting to read a book she brought along, Sam looked to see her steady boyfriend just showing up. She waved him over, and Mat immediately came.

"Hey, hon," Mat greeted as they shared a kiss.

Surprisingly, Haruka was behind him.

"Hey, Haruka!" Sam greeted. "Great to see you again!"

"Likewise," Haruka replied. "I came in this morning; you saw Nick's selfie?" she asked.

"Did we ever," Mat stated first.

"I just saw it a while ago," Sam answered. "I had one early class and a shift at the Mali-U café today."

"You shoulda seen Mat back at your penthouse," Haruka remarked. "He was answering Jeopardy clues like crazy!"

"Hey, it helps to know a little bit of this and that," Mat laughed.

"Oh, was he?" Sam asked.

"No doubt," Haruka answered. "By the way, Sam, I immediately heard you tried your hand at surfing?"

"That I did," Sam replied.

"She nailed it!" Mat exclaimed. "Like she was a natural Kelly Slater or whatnot."

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