My happy Ending

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Authors note: I just wanted to write what I thought that should have happened on the beach I hope you like it.

I was back on the beach I don't remember anything other then Zola and Maggie saying it was ok for me to go and they would be ok.

I look around at the waves crashing and I'm all alone just sitting on a log talking in the fresh air.

This time felt different then the last time I was on the beach its much more peaceful like I'm in heaven its way different now then the last time.

And In that moment all I'm thinking of is Derek remembering him telling me I have to go back and he would be right here when I'm ready.

I keep just looking around and I see Mark and lexie both sitting next to me "Hello again" I say very exited they both look at me and smile "Hey" they both said happily.

Its different seeing them for the second time because they both would barley get near me and they were telling me I need to wake up.

But this time they were both sitting and being nice and calm and quiet not saying anything.

Then they both started talking "Meredith you know how we told you that you have to wake up and its not your time just yet and you needed to keep fighting" they both said in calming voices.

"Yes I remember that and I think I remember actually waking up" they both looked at me and smiled "I also remember Derek talking to me saying it wasn't my time and I need to fight"

They looked at me like and smiled knowing I did just that "I fought for as long as I could and I'm just so tired I want to rest" I said in kind of a sad tone but knowing I should keep fighting but I feel like its my time.

I heard my name being called from behind me "Meredith" I look behind me and Derek is standing far away but close enough for me to actually know who it is. I smile bright and stands there smiling.

I turn back to Mark and Lexie who are standing with me "what happens if I run to him?"

"Well If you run to him now you will be here forever and if you turn around and walk away you wake up and you keep fighting" they both smiled at me.

I turn back to him and he still hasn't moved from his spot but he was still waving at me.

"So if I run to him now I won't ever go back?" "Yes" they both said.

I knew that from the first time I was here but this time it felt different.

"I know I should be fighting but I'm just really tired and I just want to rest also I don't want to lose him again. Its been to long without him and without you guys I just want to feel safe and at home again."

"Well then you go run to him and never let him go again he really misses you Meredith" Mark said in a sad but also happy voice.

"Ya you run to him and never let him go" Lexie said knowing this is what I wanted

I turned back to him "Meredith" Derek said in a happy voice but he was a little to far away for my liking.

I looked back at Mark and Lexie one final time and smiled "Goodbye Meredith" they both said

I smiled and looked back and started walking to him "you could walk to you know" I yelled at him "it wouldn't make a difference
"Why not" I always wondered why since the first time this happened. "Because you just need to run to me and I will be right here".

I started jogging then after a couple of seconds I started sprinting to him smiling and all I wanted in that moment was just to get to him.

I got to him and hugged him as tight as I could and never wanted to let go "I missed you so much" I said almost crying "I missed you to I missed you so much". He said while still never letting go.

And hugging me He cupped his hands on my face like he used to do whenever he wanted to calm me down and he did I was breathing heavily again and calmed me down.

"I don't want to leave you ever again I want to stay right here with you" I said with a tear in my eye hugging him again.

"I know and I'm never going to leave you ever again, I'm always going to right with you forever"

He backed away from our hug and he cupped his hands on my face and kissed for the first time in what felt like forever.

He backed up and looked at me "are you sure this is where you want to be" he said with tears in his eyes.

"Theres no place i would rather be" I said as I hugged him

He looked at me and smiled
"Lets go" he said as he took my hand and we walked away together and this time he wasn't alone and we just kept walking along the beach just watching the sunset.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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