Chapter 1

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Rosemary had never been the type to go on missions. She would usually be the one to make the plan and help with paperwork, but never actually go out in the field herself.

That morning when she woke up, she had a feeling something strange would happen today. As she walked trough the hallways towars the kitchen, she saw Nat and Steve already discussing the upcoming mission.

"Hey guys? What are you talking about?"

Steve and Natasha looked at each other and began muttering half sentences

"Nat's got a new uhh shampoo"
"Steve's car broke down this morning"
"Yeah my car broke down when Nat told me she had a new shampoo"
"Yeah that's what happened"

Rose furrowed her brows in confusion. Deciding it was way too early for this kind of nonsense. "Do you guys want some eggs maybe?"

"Yeah I'd like some actually, thanks Rose" Steve said with a kind smile. "Not for me, I'm heading out" Nat said as she stood up and walked away from the kitchen island.

"Where's Nat headed?" Rose asked, confused by her sudden rush. "Dunno, she said something about a mission earlier I believe" Steve shrugged. "You two are acting strange Steve" Rose said as she made her way back to her room


The bright fluorescent lights in the gym blinded Rose for a moment. She wore a simple black tanktop with grey leggings. Her hair was in a tight ponytail. She felt the strong need to let go and just be alone with her thoughts for a moment before the meeting that was scheduled in an hour.

As she stepped upon the treadmill, her mind wandered towards him. She's seen him nearly every day since she moved into the compound and everytime she saw him, her heart fluttered. She turned the speed of the treadmill up and started her run.

15 minutes into her run, Sam and Steve walked in. They were just going to lift some weights and maybe break a few punchingbags."Don't forget about the meeting later Kid" Sam said as he looked at her.

Rose was beyond frustrated right now. Everybody was behaving strangely towards her and she had to know why. First there was the whole awkward breakfast scene where Nat suddenly rushed off, and now Sam reminder her about the meeting which made zero sense. Something was up and she had to figure out what.


Rose had taken a long shower and got ready for the meeting. Considering the fact that she usually wasn't in the mission itself, she just threw on some comfy clothes and combed her wet hair. She looked at her watch, it said 12:02. Shit, she was late already.

She quickly moved towards the meeting room and took her seat. Awkwardly avoiding all the gazes and supposedly funny comments thrown her way.

"I'm so glad you could make it today Rose, we couldn't have done it without you." Tony said with a wink. Rosemary, who was so done with everyone's bullshit, decided to ignore whatever weird comments were made until she knew exactly what was going on.

As if she wasn't nervous enough already, she was seated across from him. Out of all the avengers, the one guy she was nervous around was in her line of view. She sighed and waited for Tony to continue the meeting.

"There's a man we need information on. All we know so far is that he's an alcoholist and that his girlfriend is way younger than him. He's been spotted with some of our known enemies and we have to find out if he'll be causing us any trouble soon." Tony stated. Rose was staring down the entire time, not knowing where to put her hands and how to act naturally. When Tony continued his story, Rose unconsciously looked up. Her eyes met his and she quicky looked away. She noticed him shifting around in his seat from the corner of her eye.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. ran a backgroundcheck on him and looked trough his entire database. This weekend he"ll be at a weekend getaway with his girlfriend and we need two of us to go there" Tony explained further. Rose's stomach started to twist, like her subconscious knew what was about to happen.

"So we looked at everyone's records and profile and we came up with the pair that will be completing this mission. Rose and -" Rose's head started spinning and she couldn't hear anything anymore.

"What? You must be mistaken? Me on a mission? Where did this come from?" she exclaimed frantically

"Calm down kid, there's a logical explanation for all this. See you were the one to fit the profile. We needed a couple that our target could relate to on a certain level. He himself has a younger girlfriend and you're the youngest on the team, by far. You're our only option. Wanda's been on the news so everybody knows she's with us and Nat is simply too old to be the scandalously younger girlfriend." Tony explained to Rose calmly. He also stated again the specifics of when, where and most importantly, with whom she'd be going.

She gasped, out of all the men on the team. She was paired up with him. She'd have to play pretend to be a couple with him. She took a moment to gather her thoughts and then looked him straight in the eye. The man she'd be spending so much time alone. The man she'd fancied for ages. Him

Clint Barton.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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