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DISCLAIMER: I got sidetracked while writing (let's be honest, I just let my fingers dance across the keyboard doing whatever.) So, I was aiming to talk about Marinette's new life ('cause this is the first page of this book lol) but then got sidetracked to her life before this. The story will should go on the lines of a smaller love square with Damian and Marinette, but no promises. I said it SHOULD be along those lines. Okay, now shoo and go read.

Oh yeah! I also have been raining myself to write better, and I'm actually am really proud of what I wrote! Okay, just read it now



Paris, the city of love, the city of baguettes. The city where MDC started her career, the same place Marinette was going to start hers. MDC was revolutionary, people like Gabriel Agreste had their time, but MDC? MDC had a whole era. MDC was an actress, known for her stunning outfits, and her flashing jewelry. MDC was an inspiration. An inspiration for all, and an inspiration for one Marinette, Marinette Bourgeois.

Paris was her start. Think of it like the beginning of a new life. A fresh start. A way to start clean. A way to start clean, and wash of the blood she had shed in her "old life". In the League of Assassins. She was powerful, exactly the type that catches the League's eye. Damian, however hated her from the start. Of course, Marinette secretly loved him, yet Damian didn't have a clue.

When they were betrothed Marinette realized she had entered Hell. Talia had regretted her choice of betrothing Marinette to Damian. Why? Damian really really hated her. She was perfect for the League; Damian had no choice to feel threatened. Talia had the same reaction. Before, she was the only female at the league. She did have many expectations to live up to, but Marinette crossed them all. She was more fit, strong, and would even be smarter than her in the future. Talia was afraid of being an outcast. She was afraid of being kicked out. She was afraid that her father would rather keep Marinette around than her. So, they did all they could to make Marinette's life miserable. At least Ra's al Ghul liked to have her around.

That's when Ra's al Ghul died, an event of Deathstrokes fatal attack. Talia quickly made haste to dump Marinette with two abusive parents, with the nerve to tell Marinette that she has a long mission to infiltrate Francis DuPont high school, and to let her parents do whatever. She has the freaking nerve, to tell her Damian had died. Then, she left for good.

Talia, then gave Damian to ol' Brucie. End of story.

Now, back (did u know I accidentally wrote Becack instead of back? Lol) to Paris, The city of love, baguettes, blah, blah.

Okay, to cut it short (Read my disclaimer if u don't understand lol)...

Marinette was back to Paris, the place a lot of bad memories live, to pursue her fashion career as MDC, the anonymous fashion designer, whose name takes after MDC the aspiring actress. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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