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ANOTHER MAGNIFICENT CENTURY FIC! This one however will be about Selim, the rivalry she will have with Nurbanu, and the alliance that she has with Mihrimah. I hope you enjoy this enough to leave a like and comment!


Disclaimers are that I do not own the rights to Magnificent Century. I also do not own any rights to the images/stills used, or the gifs. If you don't mind me using it but want credit, I'll slap it on there. If you don't want me using it, let me know and I'll take it down.

Warnings are that this will be historical fan fiction. While there will be some liberties taken, I will be trying to stick to history as closely as possible. This will mean that there will be, at some point, some unsavory actions, and I suggest you approach with caution(I will warn you).

Dearest Love

Behiye Esir Sultan

Holliday Grainger

"I did not want to join the fight as I had no reason to, but now that Nurbanu has shown me her hand, I will make her wallow in every torturous act she planned for me."

FORMERLY KNOWN AS Aleksandra Semyonova, she is the daughter of a Russian boyar who had been murdered in an attempt to save her and her younger brother, Dmitri

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FORMERLY KNOWN AS Aleksandra Semyonova, she is the daughter of a Russian boyar who had been murdered in an attempt to save her and her younger brother, Dmitri. Originally bought by Rüstem Pasha as a companion for his wife, she soon becomes one of Mihrimah's closest allies and most trusted confidant.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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