1: The Rat and The Chance

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Tsukasa had only watched.

He had seen everything that had happened, and he was intrigued. By Amane. By Sakura and Natsuhiko. By the school as a whole. But mostly, he was entranced by his brother's assistant.

Amane had always been the 'normal' brother. The teachers liked him. Students mostly ignored him, so he wasn't bullied. He used to get good grades and, mostly likely, had never been to detention.

Tsukasa, on the other hand, was the 'odd' brother. The Teachers and students alike avoided him. His grades had been horrendous, and he had been a regular in detention. So he had taken to watching Amane. After their deaths, that is. Tsukasa had taken death to be a new door, to reinvent himself. He had decided that, in death, he would do something Amane could never: find a girl to like him back.

The flaw in his plan was that there were no ghost girls to become friends with. And all the exorcists hated him. Those were the only people who could see him (other than Natsuhiko and Sakura, but they were different)

Or so he had though. Unbeknownst to his brother, Tsukasa had watched Nene arrive and ask Amane to grant her wish. Tsukasa had watched everything in secret.

And he began to notice tiny things. Like the way Nene turned red whenever Amane got near her, or how Nene day dreamed (about Amane?) during class. He noticed all the tiny things that Amane didn't seem to.

But then the exorcist entered her life. Kou, Tsukasa believed, was his name. He seemed to notice the things too. All the little things that had made Tsukasa feel like he shared an inside joke with Nene were now noticed by Kou. And for some reason, that made Tsukasa angry.

Soon after that, Amane took Nene and Kou to Yako's boundary. Tsukasa had followed, hidden, as Amane protected Nene again and again. And Kou helped, but he got turned into a doll. Tsukasa thought that was a fitting punishment.

He wished that Amane would turn into a doll, too. Then he could . . . do what? Save Nene? He wasn't certain.

Tsukasa watched as Nene and Amane said their farewells to Yako. Nene stood and stumbled. It took most of Tsukasa's willpower not to rush in and pick her up. Wait . . . That's not right. Why would he want to do that? Tsukasa watched as Amane leaned over Nene and . . . kissed the cheek.

Tsukasa flipped out. "WHAT IS HE DOING?" Tsukasa shrieked to no one in particular.

Nene was stunned by the kiss. Tsukasa didn't remember exactly what Amane said to her, but Nene was bright red. Tsukasa followed her as Nene stumbled around the school. He wasn't sure where Amane had gone.

Nene found herself in a dead end. "Where . . .?" Tsukasa saw his chance and took it.

He dropped from his place on the ceiling to stand behind Nene. Reaching out, he touched the back of her forehead.

"Good night," he whispered. Nene fainted. Tsukasa caught her, and slowly carried her back to his favorite place in the entire school.

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