Wood Burning

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I woke up to the pain in my head throbbing. My vision was blurry. Everything was swirling out of control. The more I tried to control it the worse it got.

I couldn't see but I tried to go to the bathroom. I swung my legs out of bed and held onto walls and objects to try to stay upright. Their job failing, I tripped half the way down the hallway and stumbled onto the floor. I didn't have enough strength to continue so I lay there with my eyes closed hoping it would go away. The pain was so bad, almost unbearable. I didnt know how much longer I could take it. Tears falling from my already blurry eyes.

Suddenly my eyes were filled with pictures of woods and dark figures. It terrified me. They all flashes so quickly but they were all burned into my mind.

I gasped and sat up as the pictures stopped. My head still hurt but not nearly as bad as it did before. The tears were still falling from my eyes as I struggled to calm myself down.

This has been happening for at least a week now. Every night waking up in a sweat with my head burning and not being able to see. Then seeing these pictures. They were always different, but fairly similar. In the pictures, it was always night time, dark and cold. Usually of woods with tall thin trees. There was little to no light surrounding them. The moonlight was kept out from the intertwined leaves and branches many feet off the ground. Then there were figures. People I think. Wrapped in large cloaks. They stood around in the woods with lights and sometimes around fires. There was just something about them.

They scared me so much but there was nothing I could do to get the visions to go away. For a while I thought I was crazy but I went to several doctors and they said I was fine. I worried for a while it would never go away. Sending me in several panic attacks through the nights.

I sat in my hallway for a bit. Trying to recollect myself. A few minutes passed and I got up. Slowly, I walked through my hallway rubbing my eyes. I entered my bathroom and flicked on the light. Squinting my eyes from the sudden bright light compared to the darkness they had gotten used to.

I've always hated how bright the lights were. It gave me headaches if they were too bright. I usually didnt keep them on through the day, just letting in the natural sunlight in through the many windows in my house. I guessed my eyes were just pretty sensitive.

After my eyes had slightly adjusted, I turned the water on. Leaving the hot water off. I filled my hand with the cool water. Splashing it on my face. It instantly cooled off my previously hot and sweaty face and made me feel refreshed. I filled my hands once more. This time sipping the water from my hands. It was disgusting sink water but my throat had been so dry I didn't mind.

I looked into the mirror. I looked like a mess. My eyes were red. From crying or from tiredness, I couldn't tell. My hair was escaping from the bun I put it in before bed. My whole body was shaking. I tried to stop it but couldn't.

I then wiped my face off an a towel hanging from the wall and flicked the light off. I made my way back down my hallway and back into my bedroom.

My room was full of plants. It had them hanging from the ceiling, in the windowsills, on shelves. The moonlight that had creeped into my room and reflected off of them all. Leaving my room with a light green glow. It was beautiful. I loved the color green. My room was so pretty, its where I spent most of my time

I slipped back under my soft down feather comforter. Only when I closed my eyes did I realize how tired I was. I sighed and hoped I would wake up feeling better then I did now. Allowing myself to fall once again into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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