Background, (CH 0)

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The The Moon Kingdom, known for it's diversity in species, but also for the undeniable strength the ruler holds. After being pitted for the famine, and war between the other kingdoms, the Sun and Moon Kingdoms were blessed, and the Toogata bloodline was tied to the Sun, and the Amajiki bloodline was tied to the Moon.

Almost immediately their Kingdoms grew extremely prosperous and started to get more and more citizens, looking for shelter from the other kingdoms rule. The Sun and Moon kingdom have always been extremely close, but were never to marry or join together. Touching another royal would leave a large black spot on their body, not to mention, also extremely painful.

The Kingdoms each have their elements, attributing to defining traits of their denomination. The Moon, known for beauty, the ocean, power, love, and darkness. The Sun, known for willpower, strength, nature/wildlife, kindness, and light. 

Unfortunately, such power came with it's drawbacks. Each family was to have no less than two children, to balance the capability between them, otherwise it would've been too much for one person alone to handle.

However, Tamaki's Mother quickly became infertile after his birth, and her only son would be forced to take it on by himself. This is the story, retold for centuries. How him and the love of his life became the most  iconic symbol of love, and remain that way today.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2021 ⏰

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