to my love

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hi baby,

i could try and start with happy birthday, but i'd rather start with rest in peace. today's the day you let go of your old younger self and become a bigger and wiser person. so rest in peace, gracie sue king.

(fuck melissa.)

rest in peace to gracie who doesn't like herself.
rest in peace to gracie who makes bad decisions.
reat in peace to gracie who overthinks.
rest in peace to gracie who's sad.
reat in peace to gracie who gets insecure.
rest in peace to gracie who says "sorry" too often.
rest in peace to gracie who doesn't see how beautiful she is inside and out.
rest in peace to gracie who fixates too much on her flaws.
rest in peace to gracie who doesn't give herself enough credit.
rest in peace to the old gracie.

and happy birthday gracie sue king.

see, i know you don't like celebrating your birthday but you do like me, and i like celebrating your birthday, so technically you've got to like it as well.
yupyup i just pulled my einstein shit right here.

new year, new persona.
right? isn't that what they say?

i'm really proud of you lil' one. i'm proud of the person you've become and the person you're becoming. you've grown so much in such a short amount of time, you leave me in awe. (you haven't grown physically wise, you're still 5'2. drink your milk love.) i can't express in words how much i love and care about you.

remember how i've told you what the name gracie reminds me of? well forget that. wanna know what you remind me of?

you remind me of space.

Its endless and beautiful, most of the time. It could be scary as well with the black holes and exploding stars and burning suns. you just feel like space. stars lighting up my way, guiding me where to go. the meteors zooming around, your clashing thoughts. planets that represent the memories we're making that will always evolve around our relationship and we'll never forget.

damn I'm so in love with you. to be honest I never thought being in love could feel this good. and to be really really honest I never believed in love in the first place. I just thought it was a temporary crush you have on someone and then after a while the feeling just disappears like clouds in front of the sun. but I was wrong, I was so so wrong. I'd like to say you showed me love, and nothing but love. you know how some couples have shit they dislike about each other, I have none with you. lmao you might have some about me tho, don't deny this, I'm a difficult person and I know that. but that's okay, because even though I'm a handful you manage to keep me around. you show me the brightest things about me when I am hiding in the dark and that's one of the many things i love about you. you make me love myself. "i love you" feels like the biggest understatement with you.

i could make you a list with how much i love you and why i love you, but i'm scared my hands won't be able to write all that. instead i wrote you a song.

we both love music. what other way to show you how much i love you than a song hm? i'll send it to you via messages later on :)

a week ago when i was laying in bed, listening to our playlist i realized how our playlist respresents our relationship so well. you can hear through the songs how we were feeling, loving each other, you mad at me, me mad at you, me needing you, you wanting me, me apologizing, you accepting. and so on and so on. a playlist that tells a lovestory through songs.
bookworthy no?

there's a french saying that says:

"Il n'y a qu'un bonheur dans la vie, c'est d'aimer et d'être aimé." – George Sand

there is only one happiness in life: to love and be loved.

you're my happiness.

i dont like to rely on anyone. but see what the good thing is about you? when i dont know how to swim, and im drowning, you keep me afloat. so in that way you could say im relying on you, but you also teach me how to swim, so i can keep myself afloat as well. and i've been thinking yeah? i can't see any flaws in you, like you're flawless- technically that would be a flaw. but you know what i mean. and some people say like 'love blinds you' you know? well maybe it does, but im sure as hell im seeing straight. and like everyday with you is just another day that i've been blessed to be honest-, might sound really corny.

i dont know what i'm saying, i'm kinda bonkers.

you give meaning to the word alive.
you make me feel so alive.
not living, alive.

i love you.
i'm in love with you.
happy birthday my love <33

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2021 ⏰

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