Back to Miyagi

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"Keina, we're almost here."

Keina opened her eyes after she heard her cousin's word. She looks to the window, familiar view greeted her. She's back in Miyagi after finishing her first year in Tokyo. Months ago, she lost her parents after they got a car accident. Keina doesn't have any critical injuries, but her parents can't be saved after fall to the comatose stage for a month.

After the funeral, Keina got to choose who she's going to live with. All of her family from her mom's are living abroad, and she's not planning to live abroad any time soon. The only choice is living with her dad's family in Miyagi. Actually, one of her mom's bestfriend is asked her to live with their family. But Keina still underage, and she more comfortable  moving back to Miyagi instead of living in Tokyo with someone else family even though she knows them.

Then here she is, arrived in Miyagi after finishing her first year in her previous school. And she will be in the same school with her cousin in Karasuno High School. Actually, her aunty asked her if she wanted to join in another school that most of her friends in her junior high were at that school. But for some private matters, Keina chose to apply in Karasuno. Even though she knows the consequence is that school doesn't have a photography club.


Today is Keina first day in Karasuno. She and her cousin walk to the school and they meet one of his cousin's friends. "Good morning," Keina greeted him.

"Oh... morning. Keina, right?" Keina nodded. The male student raises his hand and introduces himself, "My name is Sawamura Daichi. You can call me Daichi if you want."  Daichi smiled.

"Erhm... Daichi, don't flirt with my precious sister."

"EH?! Suga, I'm not flirting!"

Keina laughs watching the scene. They keep talking as they walk to the school.

At the school gate, they separated with Daichi as Suga needed to accompany Keina to the teacher's room.


"Good morning. My name is Sugawara Keina. I'm from Tokyo. Nice to meet you." Keina bowed as she finished her introduction.

School runs smoothly for Keina. She joins in class 2-5. At the break time, some of the students asked about her address and the reason why she moved to Miyagi.

"I live with my cousin's family. He's also students in this school, to be specific 3rd year students."

"Your cousin?" Keina nodded.


Suga picked up Keina from her class before they walked to the gym room. Keina said that she wants to wait for Suga practice because she's not comfortable yet to walk alone to the house.

Suga helped her introduce herself to the team. After that, she's enjoying the view of them doing the practice. "Ah... I miss this view." Keina smiled as she remembered the pleasant memories with her parents.

Her late dad was a big fan of the volleyball, and his mom worked with sports magazines as an editor. Her dad's work requires to move regularly every 3 years. She spent her childhood in Tokyo, and after she's old enough, her dad took she and her mom along with him.

Moving places following her dad's work made her have many friends. And thanks to her dad obsession with volleyball, almost all of her close friends play volleyball.

Her peaceful time enjoying practice was interrupted by the ruckus made by new recruits from the first year.

"Tobio?" She muttered when she noticed the tall-black haired first year


Keina went down to the kitchen after she finished getting ready for school. She greeted her uncle and her aunt, then gave little pat on Kenji, Suga's little brother.

"Keina, can you bring this lunch box too? Koshi was too excited to practice and forgot his lunch box." Mrs. Sugawara nagged while she packed the lunch box.

"Hihi... okay, Aunty. But Koshi-nii is doing his best in volleyball and his study, right?"

"But you're smarter than him, Keina-nee, you went to 2-5 class, right?" Kenji talked after he ate his sandwich. "Kenji, eat properly!"

Keina laughed. The Sugawara family smiled when they heard Keina's laugh. It's been a long time for her to laugh this free after her parents' accident.


"Koshi-nii, may I join you during lunch?" Keina asked Suga when she gave the lunch box. Suga nodded, but then he remembered something. "But I will be accompanying Hinata to practice his recieve."

Keina tilted her head, and she looked confused.

"He's the one who gets fight with Kageyama." Suga added. Keina nodded, "Is that okay if I join?" Suga nodded.

"Yeah, thank you, Koshi-nii."

And at the lunch time, Keina follows Suga to help Hinata do his recieve.

"Hinata... this my cousin, Keina. Keina... this is Hinata."

Keina smiled, "Hi... my name is Sugawara Keina. But just call me Keina or whatever you like."

Hinata looks nervous, "Hello Keina-san... my name is Hinata Shoyo."

"May I call you Sho-chan?" Hinata nodded.

Then, here she is, give some suggestions as Hinata and Suga do the practice. "He still struggling with receive. But he is a good athlete. Wish dad were here to hype this boy." She thought.

"Or... maybe I can be like that." She muttered.

"Ah..." Hinata lost the ball again.

Keina noticed something then said, "Sho-chan... you can bend a little bit and return the ball in the direction it came." Then she tried to demonstrate it and hoped that Hinata understood more easily.

Then she gave the signal to Suga and they tried again. This time, finally, Hinata can receive the ball. Hinata himself looks surprised by that. "Keina-san... are you a volleyball player?" He asked.

Keina laughed, "No, no, no. I'm just a simple girl who really likes volleyball. My late dad will be super happy if he hears your question." Hinata looks guilty when he hears Keina's response. Keina noticed that and shook her head, "It's okay, Sho-chan."

"Ah... may I watch your match on Saturday?" She asked.

Sugawara nodded.

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